Member Since: 06/25/22
Last Active: 02/17/25
Membership Status: Member
Skin: Fall
Hi, I'm Vero and I'm from Italy.
I'm an old-time -ish BTVS fan in her 40s who's been sucked back into the Buffyverse by hard-hitting nostalgia after rewatching on D+ Star in 2022. I've also caught up with the comics after dropping it mid-S8 years ago. I've finished S11 and not planning on reading S12.
Huge Spuffy shipper. Those two stole my heart, ripped it to shreds and never really gave it back to me. I've shipped other couples from other shows, but Spuffy is like my mother ship: it all started with them and I always go back to them.
TRANSFORMATIVE WORKS POLICY: you can find my Blanket Statement HERE (on my Dreamwidth journal)
Since August 30th, 2023 I am one of the Editors of the Sunnydale Herald Newsletter.
You can subscribe from these platforms: Dreamwidth | LiveJournal | Tumblr
When I registered this account in June 2022 it was the 1st time for me joining a fanfic community, so not many people knows who I am.
In the past decade I co-wrote with two friends a fanfic series (in Italian) set in a Post-Chosen AU which follows the adventures of a group of four Slayers who were awakened during the events of “Chosen,” all original characters.
So I'm not a first-time fanfic writer, but English is not my native language although I'm quite fluid. My early works are all unbeta'd but I've been working with marinaeulalia since April 2023 who is an incredible supporter and wonderful beta. My style and confidence have improved a lot since, and I am immensely grateful for everything I've been learning with her help.
[ Find out more about me in my interviews for Scooby of the Month — Commenter (Jan 2023) | Author (Apr 2023) ]
Thank you to the SAD Staff for featuring my stories:
⭐ Perfect Clarity (August 2022)
⭐ Boulevard of Broken Dreams (May 2023)
⭐ I've Been Feeling Everything (July 2023)
⭐ A Very Summers Winter (December 2023)
⭐ Autumn in San Francisco (February 2024)
⭐ Fractured Moonlight (August 2024)
⭐ Joan and Randy’s Night Out (January 2025)
⭐ Cupid’s Day Portrait (February 2025)
[Latest bio update: February 7, 2025]