Sunnydale After Dark

Welcome to Sunnydale After Dark!

A Spike/Buffy fanfiction and art archive based on the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Let's have a little less ritual and a little more fun! 

4 members and 12 guests are currently on patrol. Welcome to 147days_, our newest member.

birthday-cake Happy birthday to Niamh!

birthday-cake Happy birthday to ItsLaurenBaby!


Author: hulettwyo has published 12 stories at Sunnydale After Dark since joining on December 13, 2023.

Commenter: VioletMoon has written 375 comments at Sunnydale After Dark since joining on June 24, 2022.

A Story Without Shrimp

Transcript Library
Scooby Chat
Grief Counseling (7/27 12:02am) : Happy Birthday Niamh and ItsLaurenBaby! birthday heart airkiss
Spikesgirl (7/22 08:11pm) : Happy birthday bloodymarie! I hope you have a great birthday πŸŽ‚
marinaeulalia (7/22 12:22pm) : A bombardment from Geliot99 is more than welcome!
Grief Counseling (7/22 11:28am) : Happy Birthday bloodymarie! birthday hug dance
Geliot99 (7/21 08:10am) : aHHH adding some drabbles from EF guys apologies for the bombardment
Dusty (7/20 03:36pm) : Check out the details for September's event in the latest Sunnydale Press post!
JustMe (7/19 04:34pm) : Happy πŸŽ‚ Birthday! Passion4Spike ❀️‍πŸ”₯🫢 and FluffySpuffy! πŸ₯°πŸ’– cheersπŸ₯‚
VeroNyxK84 (7/19 02:12pm) : Happy birthday Passion4Spike and FluffySpuffy! πŸ©·πŸŽ‰
scorpiogirl (7/19 01:57pm) : Happy Birthday Passion4Spike and FluffySpuffy ! birthday
Grief Counseling (7/19 10:06am) : Happy Birthday to Passion4Spike and FluffySpuffy! birthday heart spuffy
Dusty (7/19 10:02am) : Happy birthday, FluffySpuffy and Passion4Spike!!! heart
honeygirl51885 (7/19 06:39am) : Happy birthday Passion4Spike and FluffySpuffy! birthday
Spikesgirl (7/18 11:20am) : Happy birthday 147days! I hope you have a great birthday
Grief Counseling (7/18 10:56am) : Happy Birthday 147days! birthday dance airkiss
honeygirl51885 (7/17 08:26pm) : Best news ever NautiBitz!!!
Spikesgirl (7/17 07:03pm) : Happy birthday Katefoster7! I hope you have a great birthday πŸŽ‚
Dusty (7/17 06:41pm) : Happy birthday, Katefoster7!! And hurray for Crave, one of my absolute Spuffy faves!!!
NautiBitz (7/17 05:52pm) : First chapter of Crave is up! (Spike is Buffy's billionaire father-in-law, sexy sex happens, drama, intrigue, witty banter, etc) 😁
Grief Counseling (7/17 10:34am) : Happy Birthday, Katefoster7! birthday heart spuffy
ShirtyBird (7/16 11:06am) : Happy belated birthday Dusty! You are a treasure! airkiss
Bellamy Graves (7/16 08:31am) : Happy late birthday Dusty!!! Thank you for all the amazing story telling!! You are a gem πŸ’Ž ❀️ birthday
Dusty (7/15 09:12pm) : Ahhhh thank you everyone!! You're too kind heart
In Mortal (7/15 05:40pm) : Happy Birthday Dusty!
Kliomuse (7/15 05:20pm) : Happy Birthday, Dusty! Really enjoying I Do!
JustMe (7/15 05:19pm) : Don't know how to post in this chat and add byffy emoji but Happy birthday, Dusty! Wish for you many many happy days and inspiration and love from people around you πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸΎπŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸŒ· kisses from Spike 😘❀️β™₯️

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Site Time: 7/27 01:45am (-04:00 GMT)

Legend Has It… that there’s another event coming on September 1!

Get ready for stories and artwork pulled from the scrolls of ancient tribes, legends told around a campfire, superstitions, and myths galore! Dragons? Why not?! Fairy godmothers? Heck yeah! What about crossing your fingers for luck, or holding your breath as you pass a graveyard? What about a mysterious ghost who haunts that old country road? 

The possibilities are endless, and we cannot wait to see what this event will inspire!

The rules are simple. Stories must be at least 1000 words to qualify, but there is no maximum word count if...

--Grief Counseling, Dusty, Chelle, GetItDone on 07/20/24 02:00 am 11 Comments

So excited to bring you our July SOTM interviews! Hope you guys are staying nice and cool wherever you are. :)

First up, our Author of the Month: hulettwyo

Tell us how you got into Buffy the show and Buffy fanfic.

First, I want to say a million-billion thank yous to the person who nominated me!  Oh, the scream I scrumpt when I got that email!

I was aware of the show and vaguely aware of the characters, but I didn’t properly watch the show until 2010 when I was 38 years old.  It was on the TV in the living room, and I wasn’t really paying attention because I was dinking around on my laptop.  I asked, “Why’s that guy in a wheelchair if he’s a vampire?”  Back to season one, episode one we went, and I watched...

--Chelle on 07/06/24 02:00 am 5 Comments