Submission Rules
- A complete disclaimer must accompany all submissions. If a suitable disclaimer is not included, the site administrators reserve the right to add a disclaimer. Please place your disclaimer in your story notes or chapter notes, not the summary. A disclaimer example is below. As Willow said, a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend.
- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
- Stories must include the proper rating, category/categories, and genre/genres. If administrators feel that your story is included in the incorrect rating, category, or genre, we reserve the right to re-categorize it.
- Titles and summaries must be child friendly. Also, "Please read", "Untitled", etc. are not acceptable titles or summaries.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated at Sunnydale After Dark. Please do not attempt to add material to the archive that does not belong to you. Anyone who is found to have added plagiarized material to the archive will be banned from Sunnydale After Dark. If you believe that your work has been plagiarized or your copyright has been infringed by material hosted on Sunnydale After Dark, please contact us at
- RPF (real person fiction) stories are not permitted.
- Stories submitted to Sunnydale After Dark are expected to be generally free of errors. The site administrators reserve the right to request corrections in submissions with multiple grammar and/or spelling errors.
- Stories submitted to Sunnydale After Dark should be properly formatted and relatively easy for readers to understand. If the story is hard to read due to improper formatting or an unintentionally confusing storyline, we reserve the right to ask the author to make adjustments to their story.
- Submitting a story does not mean that it will be automatically validated and published on Sunnydale After Dark. Nobody has an automatic right to post. However, we will do everything we can within reason to work with authors to ensure that their story is published in our archive.
- All stories must be rated correctly. Our site rating descriptions can be found here. An author may choose not to use warnings, but we ask that they use the "Choose Not to Use Warnings" tag to alert readers of this decision. Using warnings is encouraged but not mandatory.
- Stories with multiple chapters should be archived as such and not as separate stories. Upload the first chapter of your story, then go to Manage Stories in your account to add additional chapters. If you have trouble with this, please contact the site administrators.
- Chapters must have under 15,000 words to be submitted because this is the word limit built into the site.
- This is a Spuffy site, therefore all stories must include, in one way or another, a Spike/Buffy pairing as the main focus of your story.
- Stories may only be added by their original author or by site admins on behalf of an author who has given permission. Members may not add stories written by other authors even if they have been given permission. Please contact the administrators if you would like them to consider posting work that is not your own.
- Submissions found to violate these rules may be removed and the author's account suspended at the discretion of the site administrators and/or moderators. The site administrators reserve the right to modify these rules as needed.
- If you made it to the end, thank you for reading and heeding the rules! :o)