Summary: Written for the 2024 “Short & Spuffy” Drabble Event.
Crack Fic!
Spike is a terrible house guest, and some of the Scoobies are learning that truth the hard way. What happens when Joyce eventually agrees to take him in and let him crash in the basement at Revello Drive?
I wish I knew the answer to that, but the prompts will decide everything.
Ready, Set, Drabble!
Series: SAD Events Collection,
Series: Domestic Unbliss
Banner Art By: VeroNyxK84
Categories: Season 4,
Sunnydale After Dark Exclusive
Characters: Buffy,
Genres: Comedy, Crack Fic, Friendship, Lighthearted, UST Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Adult Language, Alcohol/Drug Use
Completed: Yes
Chapters: 31
Word count: 3,100
Hit Count: 3,624
ePub Downloads: 35
Published: 03/01/24
Updated: 03/31/24
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Story Notes: Set in S4, some time after “Something Blue” but before “Hush” and going wildly off canon for fun shenanigans... may the prompt wheel be merciful!
Part of the “
Domestic Unbliss” series, which is also home to the first drabble fic in this crack verse: “
The Home Invasions.”
The stories are NOT related, so there is absolutely no need to know what happened there.
Not beta’d—All mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Chapter 1 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 28
Comments: 53 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 206 Published: 03/01/24
Day 1 — Prompt: Fortune Cookie Epiphany
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Giles
2. Chapter 2 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 27
Comments: 47 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 135 Published: 03/02/24
Day 2 — Prompt: Lights Out
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Giles
3. Chapter 3 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 27
Comments: 46 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 133 Published: 03/03/24
Day 3 — Prompt: Cooking Together
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Giles
4. Chapter 4 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 26
Comments: 44 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 132 Published: 03/04/24
Day 4 — Prompt: Horrible Day
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Buffy, Giles
5. Chapter 5 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 25
Comments: 42 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 130 Published: 03/05/24
Day 5 — Prompt: Rock Concert Tickets
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Buffy
6. Chapter 6 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 24
Comments: 36 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 135 Published: 03/06/24
Day 6 — Prompt: Orange
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Giles, Buffy, Spike
7. Chapter 7 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 23
Comments: 42 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 125 Published: 03/07/24
Day 7 — Prompt: Spilling
Location: UC Sunnydale, campus
Characters: Buffy, Spike
8. Chapter 8 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 22
Comments: 36 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 122 Published: 03/08/24
Day 8 — Prompt: Dirty Little Things
Location: UC Sunnydale, campus
Characters: Buffy, Spike
9. Chapter 9 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 32 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 123 Published: 03/09/24
Day 9 — Prompt: Midnight Revelations
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Buffy, Giles
10. Chapter 10 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 21
Comments: 32 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 195 Published: 03/10/24
Day 10 — Prompt: Desperate for Attention
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Giles, Spike, Buffy
11. Chapter 11 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 32 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 109 Published: 03/11/24
Day 11 — Prompt: In Three Long Strides
Location: Xander’s place
Characters: Xander, Spike, Buffy
12. Chapter 12 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 34 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 109 Published: 03/12/24
Day 12 — Prompt: Bright Red Confetti
Location: Xander’s place
Characters: Anya, Xander, Spike
13. Chapter 13 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 20
Comments: 34 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 109 Published: 03/13/24
Day 13 — Prompt: Heavy Metal
Location: Xander’s place
Characters: Xander, Spike
14. Chapter 14 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 20
Comments: 32 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 105 Published: 03/14/24
Day 14 — Prompt: Spike ignoring Buffy
Location: Xander’s place
Characters: Xander, Buffy, Spike
15. Chapter 15 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 20
Comments: 28 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 103 Published: 03/15/24
Day 15 — Prompt: Goes Right Through
Location: Sunnydale, woods
Characters: Buffy, Spike
16. Chapter 16 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 18
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 103 Published: 03/16/24
Day 16 — Prompt: Petty Disagreement/Fight
Location: Xander’s place
Characters: Spike, Buffy, Xander
17. Chapter 17 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 18
Comments: 32 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 104 Published: 03/17/24
Day 17 — Prompt: The Rhyme for Orange
Location: Xander’s place
Characters: Xander, Spike
18. Chapter 18 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 32 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 96 Published: 03/18/24
Day 18 — Prompt: Bad Weather
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Xander, Giles, Spike
19. Chapter 19 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 101 Published: 03/19/24
Day 19 — Prompt: Weapon Tossing
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Buffy, Giles, Spike
20. Chapter 20 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 20
Comments: 28 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 114 Published: 03/20/24
Day 20 — Prompt: I. Would. Not.
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Giles, Buffy, Spike
21. Chapter 21 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 18
Comments: 26 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 111 Published: 03/21/24
Day 21 — Prompt: Buffy tells Spike
Location: Giles’s place
Characters: Spike, Giles, Buffy
22. Chapter 22 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 20
Comments: 28 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 109 Published: 03/22/24
Day 22 — Prompt: Ghost
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Joyce, Buffy, Spike
23. Chapter 23 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 18
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 112 Published: 03/23/24
Day 23 — Prompt: You Do Something To Me
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Joyce
24. Chapter 24 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 108 Published: 03/23/24
Day 24 — Prompt: Not What It Looks Like
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Joyce, Buffy, Spike
25. Chapter 25 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 34 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 102 Published: 03/25/24
Day 25 — Prompt: Remember Me
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Spike, Buffy
26. Chapter 26 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 20
Comments: 24 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 97 Published: 03/26/24
Day 26 — Prompt: Math
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Buffy, Spike
27. Chapter 27 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 91 Published: 03/27/24
Day 27 — Prompt: Band-Aid
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Joyce, Buffy, Spike
28. Chapter 28 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 26 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 86 Published: 03/28/24
Day 28 — Prompt: Storytelling
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Joyce
29. Chapter 29 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 19
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 118 Published: 03/29/24
Day 29 — Prompt: Costume Party
Location: Buffy’s place
Characters: Buffy, Spike
30. Chapter 30 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 18
Comments: 26 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 105 Published: 03/30/24
Day 30 — Prompt: Fire
Location: UC Sunnydale, campus
Characters: Spike, Buffy
31. Chapter 31 by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 18
Comments: 30 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 96 Published: 03/31/24
Bonus Day — No prompt
Location: UC Sunnydale, campus
Characters: Spike, Buffy