Sunnydale After Dark
Penname: Harmony99
Real Name: Harmony Davidson
Member Since: 12/10/23
Last Active: 07/27/24
Membership Status: Member
Skin: Welcome
  Stories (12)    Series (12)    Comments (155)    Favorites (7)    Awards (3)    Banner Artist (41)    Gifted (5)    Banner Artist Profile     Statistics  
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: Stay Up Off My Instagram, Pure Temptation
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: All Human
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: None
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Warnings Added As Story Progresses
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 6 Hit Count: 51 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/07/24 Updated: 05/07/24
Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: With The Warmth Of Your Arms You Saved Me
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Episode Rewrite, Season 7
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 31 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/02/24 Updated: 05/02/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: Do You Love Me Babe?
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Episode Rewrite, Season 3
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Joyce
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 66 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/02/24 Updated: 05/02/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: You Got Me Trapped in Your Mind
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Season 2
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 29 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/02/24 Updated: 05/02/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: He Bit My Lip, and Drank My Warmth
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Vampire!Buffy
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 24 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: You Make a Mess Of Me
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Angel
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 64 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: How Can You See Into My Eyes Like Open Doors
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 26 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: Caution Tape Around My Heart
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Season 4, Season 5, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Harmony, Riley Finn
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 31 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: The Party's Just Begun
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Original Characters
Genres: Lighthearted
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Threesome(s)
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 39 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: I Wanna Be a Good Man
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Pre-Series, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 20 ePub Downloads: 3
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Season 4
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Other
Genres: Alternate Reality, Time Travel
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 16 ePub Downloads: 2
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24
Summary: Pen & Paint 2024
I have banner variations here and will add customizations on request (title, author, banner tweaks). DM me here or on Discord with specifics.
Series: I Didn't Stand A Chance
Banner Art By: Harmony99
Categories: Pre-Series, Season 2, Season 3
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Drusilla
Genres: HEA/HFN
Warnings: None
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1 Hit Count: 26 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 05/01/24 Updated: 05/01/24