Sunnydale After Dark

Welcome to Sunnydale After Dark!

A Spike/Buffy fanfiction and art archive based on the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Let's have a little less ritual and a little more fun! 

6 members and 7 guests are currently on patrol. Welcome to Oldworldvampyr, our newest member.


Author: acekoomboom has published 20 stories at Sunnydale After Dark since joining on September 25, 2023.

Commenter: harmony99 has written 346 comments at Sunnydale After Dark since joining on December 10, 2023.

Surprise Story

Transcript Library
Scooby Chat
Dusty (2/10 09:23am) : Not sure what Niamh ultimately did, but my advice to her was to let Discord customer service help out.
Swonderful (2/10 05:25am) : I too have struggled to get onto Discord. CAn somebody walk me through it, preferably by phone if that's allowed?
Dusty (2/9 10:54pm) : Yay! Happy to hear that, Niamh!
Grief Counseling (2/9 09:48pm) : Happy Birthday hellani!! birthday hug heart
Niamh (2/9 07:17pm) : Dusty -- I got it to work, finally. I'm slow, but not yet brain dead. Thanks!
Slaymesoftly (2/9 07:17pm) : I don't often actually change a fic, but I will fix any mechanical errors I see, for sure. Most of them have been worked on before being posted anywhere recently, so I'm not looking to change or improve them, just clean them up.
acekoomboom (2/9 12:17pm) : @slaymesoftly I completely agree!! Especially on older fics, it is so nice to be able to change my fics to smooth out those old rough edges. I love it.
Spikesgirl (2/9 10:45am) : Happy birthday hellani!🎂
GetItDone (2/9 02:12am) : All of January's Top Commenters should have received a PM with a link to submit a prompt for Short and Spuffy! Feel free to reach out to me with any issues, or if you didn't receive a link and you should have. 19 days! clap
Slaymesoftly (2/8 02:05pm) : If any admins have wondered why I seem to be reading my own stuff, that's usually why...
Slaymesoftly (2/8 02:04pm) : I hate it when I find typos on chaptered fics I'd been sure were fine before I posted them. I'm sure it's me and my careless tweaking and not my hard-working and so patient All4Spike beta. On the other hand, I'm very grateful for the editing function that allows me to fix things as I notice them.
Niamh (2/7 12:57pm) : Did that. For both my emails
Harmony99 (2/7 12:50pm) : Niamn, maybe check your spam folder for the Discord verification email?
Niamh (2/7 01:54am) : No email came through from them
JustMe (2/7 12:01am) : Niamn, also probably you need to verify account via email. They send you email and you need to click the link. This and liking the rules are usually the only things that are needed
Niamh (2/6 07:53pm) : I get a "you must claim and verify your account" message
Dusty (2/6 06:34pm) : Niamh, did you visit the Rules channel in Discord and give the rules a thumbs up? It won't let you interact until you do. Sometimes that's the issue for people. If that isn't it, send me a PM and I'll troubleshoot with you!
Spikesgirl (2/6 04:26pm) : Happy birthday DCixen83! I hope you have a great birthday 🎂
Niamh (2/6 02:25pm) : I'm having trouble getting onto Discord and I think I need to kill my name first and restart the whole process all over again because I can't remember my password or pin ot whatever it is I'm supposed to use to verify myself.
Grief Counseling (2/6 11:14am) : Happy Birthday DCixen83! birthday dance heart
Chelle (2/6 01:11am) : Happy birthday, DCixen83! Hope you have a great day!
JustMe (2/6 12:53am) : Dusty, I need yours. When I tried the link for the first time it didn't open this group, that's why I asked, now it's ok. Will try to find how posting works there 🤓
Dusty (2/5 05:27pm) : EF has their own link, JustMe! It's on their main page.
JustMe (2/5 03:18pm) : @Grief Counseling is it the same with EF? Okay then, thank you! 😊
Grief Counseling (2/5 02:12pm) : JustMe try this link:

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Site Time: 2/11 12:38am (-05:00 GMT)

What’s that you say? Things have been a little calm and orderly around here? Well, we know just how to fix that. It’s time for the madness of March’s annual Short & Spuffy drabble event! 

If you’ve never participated before, we encourage you to give it a whirl this year! So many members point to this event as their Sunnydale After Dark gateway event— and for good reason. Drabbles are an excellent way to flex a new muscle as a longtime writer or to dip your toe in as a new one. They’re short and sweet and easy to comment on for readers who maybe haven’t wandered out of lurkdom before.

What exactly is a drabble? Definitions vary, but for the purpose...

--Dusty, GetItDone, Chelle, and Grief Counseling on 02/08/25 12:00 am 9 Comments

Hello hello! We are super happy to bring you the new interviews! Settle in and enjoy! 

First up is our Author of the Month: acekoomboom

Tell us how you got into Buffy the show and Buffy fanfic.

Reruns! I was born in ‘99, so I didn't see any of the show while it was airing. But I was a tv kid for sure, and I strongly remember season two always being on one of the rerun channels I liked when I was in elementary school.

Get ready to throw tomatoes, okay? I started reading Spuffy fic in middle school, and I started on Nauti Bitz’s website. Yes! The hardcore smut. I look back sometimes and I'm like… I can't believe 13/14 year old me was watching BtVS season...

--Chelle on 02/06/25 12:00 am 5 Comments