Sunnydale After Dark
Catch by NautiBitz [PG]
Spike and Buffy meet again post-Angel: "The point is she's moving on. You do the same, and you might catch her one day." Or she might catch you...

Originally published in 2004. Winner of some "Best Short" awards.
Categories: Post-Series, Award Winners
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 625 Hit Count: 98 ePub Downloads: 1
Published: 06/19/22 Updated: 06/19/22

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1. Catch by NautiBitz - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 625 Hit Count: 98 Published: 06/19/22

Disclaimer: Buffy, Spike and Sunnydale, et al, are property of Mutant Enemy and Fox. I merely use them as pawns in my perverse fantasies, and sometimes for chores.

A/N: Unlike pretty much everyone on earth, I loved 'The Girl In Question', and I wanted to take Movin'-On Buffy all the way: what sort of woman would she become if she went on like this? What if she was completely un-screwed up and comfortable in her skin; one of those "know what I want and how to get it" women? And what if she wanted Spike, and he happened to be not busy?

A/N the second: This was obviously written long before Joss went and nullified TGIQ with the Season 8 comics (which I'm also thoroughly enjoying, for the record). So, pretend you don't know about that for a minute. :)