Sunnydale After Dark

Now that we've regained control of the site from that pesky trio, we can let you all know that awards for the Short & Spuffy 2024 event have been distributed to all authors, commenters, and artists! Please let us know if you think you earned an award that you did not receive! 

Now, let's all take a moment to thank and bask in the glory of these beauties from loveisntbrains:

Onward to the stats!

26 authors wrote a total of 35 Short and Spuffy stories. Those stories consisted of 938 drabbles.

3 authors submitted their very first story to Sunnydale After Dark for this event!

62 new members joined the archive during this event.

101 members left comments on the Short and Spuffy stories for a grand total of 14,486 comments and 12,643 likes

Bravo to everyone all around! Your enthusiasm and support are what made it such a fun event. Even the prompts came from our community, and it was a joy to unveil them every night together on Discord. We couldn't be more thrilled with how it all went. 

Big, mega, ginormous thank you to every single reader, commenter, writer, artist, and beta who joined in! We're thankful for you all!

--Dusty, GetItDone, Chelle, and Grief Counseling on 04/02/24 04:10 pm 9 Comments


The numbers of Short & Spuffy are always through the roof! The chaotic fun provided by the prompt Wheel is unmatched 🤣

Thank you for hosting a second edition! I'd be elated to see a new edition every year... or until our SADmins have the energy to host it 🥰

And look at those glorious awards! Thank you, loveisntbrains!

-- VeroNyxK84 on 04/02/24 04:27 pm

-- Slaymesoftly on 04/02/24 09:16 pm

All hail the mighty wheel.

-- bee_davie on 04/02/24 09:17 pm

This community and how we show up for each other is the best thing ever. I'm so happy that we're here and can keep Spuffy alive after all this time. <3

Dear members, the prompts you submitted were amazing! And I love how everyone interpreted them. Outstanding work, team.

-- Chelle on 04/02/24 10:28 pm

It was my first time writing for an event. Super fun! Can't wait to do it again next year!

-- Maldorana on 04/03/24 03:37 am

This event was a blast and the awards are gorgeous. Thanks for another great round of Short & Spuffy mods! 

-- Tessa on 04/03/24 08:12 am

My lame comment is that IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

The awards are out of this world <3


-- marinaeulalia on 04/03/24 01:11 pm

Nothing lame about that comment, Marina! It WAS so fun!!

-- Dusty on 04/03/24 01:38 pm

This event should be a staple! It was a great experience. And gah, those awards! I can't stop staring at them with heart eyes.

-- all choseny on 04/03/24 01:55 pm