Hey, all!
Just a quick update to let you know that all Top Commenters for January (writing 15 comments containing 15 or more words) will be eligible to submit a prompt for the Short & Spuffy drabble event in March. Yes, drabbles are returning for our next event! And so is the infamous Wheel. So
And get commenting!
Much love!
--Dusty, GetItDone, Chelle, and Grief Counseling on 01/08/24 03:18 pm 13 Comments
Is there the chance that this is going to be like... an annual event? 😍 Returning every March? It'd be so cool.
Oohh I love this!! You guys. Always finding ways to encourage commenting. SMORT.
@Vero As long as people are enjoying it, we want to do it! In our member survey, this event got the best ratings so of course we had to bring it back!!
Yaaay I can send in a prompt!
The last event nearly burned me out 😂 but it was also the start of my writing journey so of course I’ll join this year! Only 100 words a day and the wheeeellll looking forward to many mornings of coffee and new prompts to check out.
Yay my first official drabble event!
Do not burn yourself out, Tessa! No shame in just doing the drabbles that sing to you!
Will there be more NEKKID Spike?
Nekkid Spike is a tradition that would be shameful to lose!
I blame nekkid Spike for getting me addicted to drabbling. Without that probably I would've passed without even trying. 😂
So happy that the 2023 Short & Spuffy was a SAD favorite. 😍
Why are tou tempting me with drabblemania again??? I really don't have the time but I don't think I'll be able to resist... you fiends...
Hi. What's the procedure for submitting a prompt?
THE WHEEEEEL! Yay! And drabbles!