Sunnydale After Dark
Past Featured StorySummary: If Spike made a mixtape for every BtVS season (2 to 7), what songs would he put on them?
Casette insert art and playlists.
Banner Art By: Julikobold
Categories: Song Fic, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Graphic Arts
Characters: Spike
Genres: None
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Adult Language
Completed: Yes Chapters: 6
Word count: 1,273 Hit Count: 318 ePub Downloads: 7
Published: 02/01/24 Updated: 02/04/24

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Story Notes: This project has been on my back burner for quite some time. It was fun listening to a lot of music, I haven't heard in years, and deciding if it would be a fitting song for one of the mixtapes.
For sure there are many more songs that suit, but this is my personal collection for each season. I was not set on a genre but rather what fits the mood and had been released by the time the season aired. Each playlist fits on a 60 minute tape. I needed this limitiation for myself or it wold never be finished.
The warning is for some of the songs with explicit lyrics. 
I will post the artwork for the insert, the song list (sometimes with explanations why I chose a specific song) as well as a link to the respective playlist on YouTube Music if you want to give it a listen.
I hope you enjoy.

1. Season 2 - All Good Things Come In Threes by Julikobold - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 209 Hit Count: 78 Published: 02/01/24

Mood: Enthusiasm & Resistance

Fun-loving, passionate, excited for the evil pleasures of his un-life. An apprehension for authority (the Annointed) and always ready to form unusal alliances for the things that are important to him - the Spike we got to know and love in Season 2.

2. Season 3 - You Own My Black Black Heart by Julikobold - Likes: 3 Comments: 2 Word Count: 160 Hit Count: 50 Published: 02/01/24

Mood: Heartbreak & Idendity

I only had one episode and a few flashback to go by. Most songs are about heartache and lost love (that's why I selected them). Music Spike would listen to while getting drunk and lamenting the break-up with Dru. Until he decided to win her back. 

3. Season 4 - Not A Machine by Julikobold - Likes: 1 Comments: 1 Word Count: 165 Hit Count: 57 Published: 02/02/24

Mood: Rage & Depression

Season 4 was mostly the chip and Spike processing (not always well) the changes it brought. Many songs on this playlist are aggressive but full of self-doubt. Just like Spike during that time.

4. Season 5 - Not a Monster, not a Man by Julikobold - Likes: 1 Comments: 1 Word Count: 318 Hit Count: 56 Published: 02/03/24

Mood: Unrequited Love & Personality

In a way it is a combination of seasons 3 and 4, just a different kind of love songs and identity crisis. Season 5, when Spike fell in love with Buffy. Collecting these songs was fun.

5. Season 6 - The prison I made out of my own heart by Julikobold - Likes: 1 Comments: 1 Word Count: 207 Hit Count: 39 Published: 02/04/24

Mood: Disrupted & Distressed

Season 6 was not a happy one despite all the Spuffy content. This is a Spike POV, he is not necessarily an objective narrator.

6. Season 7 - Burning a soul by Julikobold - Likes: 5 Comments: 1 Word Count: 214 Hit Count: 38 Published: 02/04/24

Mood: Regret & Despair

Season 7, the soul and the First. Might be the most depressing playlist of all.