Summary: An anthology of Spuffy Snippets, Vol. 1.
Complete at 100 chapters; then continuing with Vol. 2.
Mostly missing scenes from various seasons and post-series, all in drabble and multi-drabble format, often canon-divergent, hence the “Alternate Reality” tag. Since I’m following weekly prompts from various active drabble communities, Categories, Genres, and Warnings might be updated accordingly as the anthology grows.
Rated [R] to err on the safe side because of some coarse language. Most of the drabbles could very well be [PG-13].
Series: Collection: What the Drabble
Banner Art By: VeroNyxK84
Categories: Season 2,
Season 4,
Season 5,
Season 6,
Season 7,
Between Seasons,
Comic (Season Not Specified),
Missing Scene
Characters: Buffy,
Ensemble - BtVS
Genres: Alternate Reality, Drama, Friendship, Lighthearted, Romance Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Adult Language, Alcohol/Drug Use, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes
Chapters: 100
Word count: 17,000
Hit Count: 8,353
ePub Downloads: 83
Published: 09/09/23
Updated: 03/21/24
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Story Notes: All the drabbles in this story were originally posted to some multi-fandom drabble communities I joined on Dreamwidth, namely the following: 100words, anythingdrabble, and drabble_zone. They post weekly prompts and I’ve been following them since August 2023. Starting from October and November I joined also emotion100 and fan_flashworks.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Drabble length
With the exception of 100words that only allows 100-word drabbles, the communities from where I get the prompts are open to “multiple drabble” formats. Specifically, drabble_zone also accepts double and triple drabbles (200 or 300 words), while anythingdrabble accepts multiples up to 500 words, emotion100 allows multiples without a max length, and fan_flashworks welcomes any length and format (but I'm sticking to drabbles).
I wanted to specify this because some of the chapters are multiple drabbles. I did however write them respecting the original drabble format, in a way; for instance, a 300-word chapter is made out of three separate 100-word paragraphs, and so on. I had considered the option to separate them in “part I,” “part II,” chapters etc, but then I decided to keep them as single chapters anyway.
All prompts will be listed in the end notes.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. #001 — Rebellious Teen by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 358 Published: 09/09/23
Set in S6 between eps. 6x14 “Older and Far Away” and 6x15 “As You Were”
Characters: Buffy, Spike
2. #002 — Living Arrangements by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 295 Published: 09/10/23
Set in S4, between eps. 4x08 / 4x09 “Something Blue”
Characters: Giles, Spike, Buffy
3. #003 — Demanding Houseguest by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 275 Published: 09/12/23
Set in S4, at the beginning of ep. 4x09 “Something Blue”
Characters: Buffy, Giles, Spike — Double drabble
4. #004 — Invisible Touch by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 12 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 268 Published: 09/14/23
Set in S6, during ep. 6x11 “Gone”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
WARNING for sexual situations
5. #005 — The Stolen Lighter by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 8 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 271 Published: 09/18/23
Scene rewrite | Set in S6, during ep. 6x06 “All The Way”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
6. #006 — Bed Buddies by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 262 Published: 09/21/23
Alternate Reality | Set in S6, after ep. 6x06 “All The Way”
Characters: Buffy, Spike
7. #007 — Who’s That Girl? by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 8 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 261 Published: 09/25/23
Set in S4, between eps. 4x16 “Who Are You?” and 4x17 “Superstar”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
8. #008 — After Work by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 255 Published: 09/26/23
Set in S6, between eps. 6x12 “Doublemeat Palace” and 6x13 “Dead Things”
Characters: Buffy, Spike
9. #009 — Solace by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 271 Published: 09/27/23
Set in S6, at the end of ep. 6x16 “Hell’s Bells,” before the last scene in Buffy’s living room.
(this is part of the series of drabbles that inspired my one-shot "Drops of Solace")
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
10. #010 — What’s Left of Us by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 269 Published: 09/28/23
Set in S6, after ep. 6x18 “Entropy”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
11. #011 — Home Decor by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 8 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 265 Published: 09/29/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Dawn
12. #012 — Solace pt. II by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 275 Published: 09/30/23
Set in S6, at the end of ep. 6x16 “Hell’s Bells,” before the last scene in Buffy’s living room.
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Sequel to #009 — “Solace” and part of the series of drabbles that inspired my one-shot "Drops of Solace"
13. #013 — Rare Snow by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 8 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 274 Published: 10/01/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Spike
14. #014 — Family by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 262 Published: 10/02/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Spike | Sequel to #013 — Rare Snow
15. #015 — Solace pt. III by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 10 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 260 Published: 10/03/23
Set in S6, at the end of ep. 6x16 “Hell’s Bells,” before the last scene in Buffy’s living room.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
Sequel to #012 — “Solace pt. II” and last part of the series of drabbles that inspired my one-shot "Drops of Solace"
16. #016 — Behind Blue Eyes by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 8 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 264 Published: 10/04/23
Set in S4, at the end of ep. 4x09 “Something Blue,” right before Willow offers her “I’m sorry” cookies to Buffy
Characters: Buffy, Spike
17. #017 — Memories by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 256 Published: 10/05/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn
18. #018 — Hollow by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 264 Published: 10/06/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike
19. #019 — A Burnt Toast by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 266 Published: 10/07/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn, Buffybot — Triple drabble
20. #020 — Lurker by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 241 Published: 10/08/23
Set in S6, after episode 6x06 “All the Way”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
21. #021 — Perfect Match by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 258 Published: 10/09/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble | Sequel to #011 — Home Decor
22. #022 — Omen by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 229 Published: 10/10/23
Set in S6, toward the end of ep. 6x10 “Wrecked,” before the talk between Buffy and Willow.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
23. #023 — Guilt by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 10 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 250 Published: 10/11/23
Set in S6, after ep. 6x13 “Dead Things”
Characters: Buffy, Clem — Double drabble
24. #024 — Lost by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 233 Published: 10/12/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike
25. #025 — Let’s Talk by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 228 Published: 10/13/23
Set in S6, between episodes 6x14 “Older and Far Away” and 6x15 “As You Were.”
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Dawn — Double drabble | Sequel to #001 — Rebellious Teen
26. #026 — Ties to the World by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 227 Published: 10/14/23
Set between S5 and S6, not long after ep. 5x22 “The Gift”
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Triple drabble
27. #027 — Collide by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 234 Published: 10/15/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Double drabble
28. #028 — Blame by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 233 Published: 10/16/23
Set in S6, after ep. 6x13 “Dead Things”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble | Sequel to #023 — Guilt
29. #029 — Grace by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 246 Published: 10/20/23
Set in S7, after ep. 7x11 “Showtime”
Characters: Buffy, Xander, Spike
30. #030 — Teaming Up by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 242 Published: 10/22/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn | Sequel to #027 — Collide
31. #031 — New Normal by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 223 Published: 10/24/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Triple Drabble | Sequel to #030 — “Teaming Up”
32. #032 — Bluff by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 221 Published: 10/28/23
Set in S5, during ep. 5x18 “Intervention”
Characters: Buffy
33. #033 — Hardships by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 225 Published: 10/29/23
Set in S6, between eps. 6x12 “Doublemeat Palace” and 6x13 “Dead Things”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
34. #034 — Trust by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 236 Published: 10/31/23
Set in S7, during ep. 7x13 “The Killer in Me” after Spike’s brain surgery.
Characters: Buffy, Spike
35. #035 — Cloud of Suspicion by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 226 Published: 11/03/23
Set between S5 and S6, not long before ep. 6x01 “Bargaining pt. I”
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Triple drabble
36. #036 — Turning Point by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 231 Published: 11/05/23
Set in S7, during ep. 7x13 “The Killer in Me” after Spike’s surgery
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble | Sequel to #034 — “Trust”
37. #037 — Conflict by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 231 Published: 11/06/23
Set in S7, after ep. 7x11 “Showtime”
Characters: Buffy, Dawn | Sequel to drabble #029 — “Grace”
38. #038 — Common Ground by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 226 Published: 11/07/23
Set in S5, between eps. 5x18 “Intervention” and 5x19 “Tough Love.”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
39. #039 — Understanding by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 215 Published: 11/11/23
Set in S5, between eps. 5x18 “Intervention” and 5x19 “Tough Love”
Characters: Buffy, Spike | Sequel to #038 — “Common Ground”
40. #040 — New Skills by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 208 Published: 11/12/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn | Sequel to #019 — “A Burnt Toast”
41. #041 — Santa Spike by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 190 Published: 11/15/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
42. #042 — Postcards and Bills by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 190 Published: 11/16/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
43. #043 — Ball and Chain by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 192 Published: 11/21/23
Set in S4, after ep. 4x09 “Something Blue”
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles — Double drabble
44. #044 — Changes by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 187 Published: 11/22/23
Set in S7, after ep. 7x13 “The Killer in Me”
Characters: Buffy, Willow — Double drabble
45. #045 — Laundry Day by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 187 Published: 11/23/23
Set in S4, some time between eps. 4x09 “Something Blue” and 4x10 “Hush”
Characters: Spike, Giles
46. #046 — Sweet Tooth by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 182 Published: 11/25/23
Set in S4, before ep. 4x10 “Hush”
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Scoobies — Double drabble
47. #047 — Cookie Fever by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 175 Published: 11/29/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Dawn
48. #048 — Movie Night by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 172 Published: 11/30/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike
49. #049 — Predator by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 163 Published: 12/05/23
Set in S5, not long before ep. 5x01 “Buffy vs Dracula”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
50. #050 — Aftermath by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 194 Published: 12/08/23
Set in S6, after ep. 6x07 “Once More With Feeling”
Characters: Buffy
51. #051 — Bedtime Stories by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 171 Published: 12/09/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn
52. #052 — Shopaholic by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 183 Published: 12/11/23
Set after S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Dawn
53. #053 — Hide and Seek by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 182 Published: 12/12/23
Set in S5, during ep. 5x19 “Tough Love”
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Double drabble
54. #054 — Whole by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 8 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 182 Published: 12/16/23
Set in S7, during ep. 7x13 “The Killer in Me” after Spike’s surgery
Characters: Spike | Sequel to #036 — “Turning Point”
55. #055 — Tingling by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 171 Published: 12/18/23
Set in S5, during ep. 5x18 “Intervention,” after the kiss
Characters: Buffy
56. #056 — Out of Order by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 158 Published: 12/22/23
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn, Buffybot — Triple drabble
57. #057 — Errands by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 3 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 158 Published: 12/23/23
Set in S4, between eps. 4x09 “Something Blue” and 4x10 “Hush”
Characters: Buffy, Willow
58. #058 — Frenemies by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 3 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 149 Published: 12/25/23
Set in S4, during ep. 4x09 “Something Blue,” toward the beginning of the episode, right before the scenes in Giles’s bathroom.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
59. #059 — Take My Hand by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 168 Published: 12/27/23
Set between S5 and S6, not long after ep. 5x22 “The Gift”
Characters: Spike, Dawn
60. #060 — Traditions by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 167 Published: 12/29/23
Set in a post-S11 alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple (and so are Dawn and Xander)
Characters: Spike, Xander
61. #061 — Unclear Future by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 154 Published: 12/30/23
Set in S5, after ep. 5x08 “Shadow” with a brief mention of events from ep. 5x07 “Fool For Love”
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Double drabble
62. #062 — Birthday Plans by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 147 Published: 01/02/24
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Triple drabble
63. #063 — No Boring Rules by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 8 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 150 Published: 01/03/24
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Triple drabble
64. #064 — Spark by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 147 Published: 01/04/24
Set in S7, after ep. 7x13 “The Killer in Me” (where Spike had brain surgery to remove the chip)
Characters: Buffy, Spike
65. #065 — Midnight Snacks by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 9 Comments: 2 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 155 Published: 01/05/24
Set in a post-S11 alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
66. #066 — Up All Night by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 168 Published: 01/09/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
67. #067 — Crossroads by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 154 Published: 01/11/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple — A roadtrip to Sunnydale, May 2013, part I
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
68. #068 — Wasteland by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 9 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 154 Published: 01/12/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple — A roadtrip to Sunnydale, May 2013, part II
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble | Sequel to #067 — Crossroads
69. #069 — Vengeance Ain’t Justice by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 138 Published: 01/13/24
Set in S7, after ep. 7x17 “Lies My Parents Told Me”
Characters: Buffy, Spike
70. #070 — Wounds by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 159 Published: 01/15/24
Set in S7, after ep. 7x11 “Showtime”
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Xander — Double drabble | Sequel to #029 — Grace
71. #071 — Effulgent by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 137 Published: 01/16/24
Set in S7, after ep. 7x11 “Showtime”
Characters: Buffy, Spike | Sequel to “#070 — Wounds”
72. #072 — Stirring Trouble by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 137 Published: 01/21/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
73. #073 — Stick Together by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 133 Published: 01/23/24
Set between S5 and S6, not long after ep. 5x22 “The Gift”
Characters: Spike, Dawn | Sequel to #059 — Take My Hand
74. #074 — Gone by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 8 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 146 Published: 01/26/24
Set post-S7, shortly after ep. 7x22 “Chosen” at Giles’s country house in Westbury.
Characters: Buffy, Dawn
75. #075 — Hot Shiver by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 146 Published: 01/28/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble | Sequel to #066 — “Up All Night”
WARNING for sexual situations
76. #076 — Promises Made by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 124 Published: 01/30/24
Set between S5 and S6, shortly after ep. 5x22 “The Gift”
Characters: Spike, Dawn — Double drabble
77. #077 — Regular Tuesday by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 9 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 119 Published: 02/01/24
Set in S6 at the beginning of ep. 6x08 “Tabula Rasa,” right after the intro scene with Mr. Teeth.
Characters: Buffy, Spike
78. #078 — Inside Out by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 120 Published: 02/02/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple.
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Clem — Triple drabble
79. #079 — Losing Grip by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 124 Published: 02/06/24
Set in S6, during ep. 6x05 “Life Serial,” right after Jonathan (disguised as a demon) flees from Buffy and Spike.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
80. #080 — Scars by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 139 Published: 02/10/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Spike
81. #081 — The Poster by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 122 Published: 02/12/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
82. #082 — Uncertainty by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 5 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 121 Published: 02/13/24
Set in S7, during ep. 7x22 “Chosen,” scene where Buffy and Spike are sleeping in the basement.
Characters: Buffy, Spike
83. #083 — Circumstances by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 134 Published: 02/16/24
Set in S2, during ep. 2x22 “Becoming pt. II,” right after the truce, before the scenes with Joyce.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Buffy’s POV
84. #084 — Compromise by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 132 Published: 02/17/24
Set in S2, during ep. 2x22 “Becoming pt. II,” right after the truce, before the scenes with Joyce.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Spike POV
85. #085 — Shelter by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 119 Published: 02/20/24
Set in S6, between eps. 6x03 “After Life” and 6x04 “Flooded”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
86. #086 — Plus One by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 110 Published: 02/21/24
Set post-S11 (comics) in an alternate reality where Buffy and Spike are an established couple and own a house in San Francisco.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
87. #087 — Do We Have A Deal? by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 109 Published: 02/22/24
Set in S4, toward the end of ep. 4x09 “Something Blue”
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Scoobies — Triple drabble
88. #088 — Longing by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 128 Published: 02/23/24
Set post-S7, shortly after ep. 7x22 “Chosen” at Giles’s country house in Westbury
Characters: Buffy, Dawn | Sequel to #074 —“Gone”
89. #089 — Her Happy Day by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 133 Published: 02/24/24
Set in S4, during ep. 4x09 “Something Blue,” after the scene with Riley outside the magic shop.
Characters: Buffy, mention of Spike
90. #090 — Treacherous Feelings by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 129 Published: 02/26/24
Set in S7, between eps. 7x18 “Dirty Girls” and 7x19 “Empty Places”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
91. #091 — Rusty by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 105 Published: 02/28/24
Set in S6, between eps. 6x05 “Life Serial” and 6x06 “All The Way”
Characters: Buffy, Spike
92. #092 — Smothering by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 99 Published: 03/02/24
Set in S6, at the beginning of ep. 6x05 “Life Serial,” after the opening scene (dinner with Dawn, Willow, Tara, and Giles)
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble
93. #093 — The Fire Within by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 108 Published: 03/03/24
Set in S6, at the beginning of ep. 6x10 “Wrecked”
Characters: Spike
94. #094 — Cure-All by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 8 Comments: 10 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 105 Published: 03/04/24
Set in S4, some time after ep. 4x09 “Something Blue” but before ep. 4x10 “Hush”
Characters: Spike, Giles — Double drabble
95. #095 — Beacon by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 114 Published: 03/09/24
Set in S6, toward the end of ep. 6x08 “Tabula Rasa,” right before the kiss at the Bronze.
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Double drabble
96. #096 — Consuming by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 97 Published: 03/10/24
Set in S6, toward the end of ep. 6x08 “Tabula Rasa,” right before the kiss at the Bronze.
Characters: Spike, Buffy | Companion to #095 — Beacon
97. #097 — Fall to Pieces by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 109 Published: 03/11/24
Set in S6, at the beginning of ep. 6x10 “Wrecked”
Characters: Buffy | Companion to “#093 — The Fire Within”
98. #098 — Anywhere But Home by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 6 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 108 Published: 03/15/24
Set between S5 and S6
Characters: Spike, Dawn
99. #099 — Scorched by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 200 Hit Count: 108 Published: 03/17/24
Set in S6, after ep. 6x07 “Once More With Feeling”
Character: Spike — Double drabble | Companion to #050 — “Aftermath”
100. #100 — Not Enough by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 300 Hit Count: 110 Published: 03/21/24
Set in S7, after ep. 7x15 “Get It Done”
Characters: Buffy, Spike — Triple drabble