Sunnydale After Dark

Week 1 is in the books!

Sunnydale After Dark officially has:

  • 231 Members
  • 393 Stories
  • 7,013,051 Words

It's only been a week, y'all! This is pretty amazing! shocked

We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to the site so far. Thank you to our beta users who leaned in with testing out the site AND our new members who are using it regularly. We really appreciate everyone who has alerted us to issues, errors, and problems with the site so we can continue to make this place flourish.

Our techromancer, the great and almighty D'Hoffryn, is still tweaking and adjusting the site based on everyone's feedback. You can always get in touch with him via the "D'Hoffryn support" channel of our Discord! Feel free to contact any of the admin team with concerns as well. We may not be as helpful with the tech thingies, but we do at least know a guy. And knowing a guy is half the battle. 90% even!

Thank you again, so much, for helping us make Sunnydale After Dark the best experience possible! It's been a thrill for us all to watch this place grow and develop its own wacky and wonderful personality thanks to all of you. Cheers and here's to many more weeks of fun! hug

--Dusty on 06/30/22 05:21 pm 12 Comments

Slayer, I'm home!!!

Welcome to Sunnydale After Dark where our motto is fun, freedom, friendship, and Spuffy. 

Our hope is to make Sunnydale After Dark a welcoming, respectful environment that supports its community and encourages creativity. We will be learning as we go as some of us are new to running an archive, and we hope to learn from our mistakes. To us, relationships in fandom are key above all else. 

As such, we welcome readers, writers, artists, and betas - everyone who enjoys the Buffy and Spike pairing and playing with them. Feel free to share creativity in any form that works for you. We ask you to avoid harsh criticism of other creators, fans, and sites. We believe that the world is a better place with more Spuffy love and more creativity in it.

We have a special event planned for the Grand Opening of the site! Please see this post for more information.

Please let us know if you need any help or run into any issues! You can contact us through the Contact page or the site Discord.

We are very grateful to D'Hoffryn for all the help on the technical side of things to make the site what it is so far and to Susan for getting us started. Thank you to Grief Counseling for the amazing BtVS-themed emojis and to the site beta testers for their diligent exploration of the site and for their suggestions that helped make the site sparkle and shine.

Thank you for joining us,

--Chelle, Dusty, GillO, Megan, and sandy_s on 06/23/22 04:21 pm 2 Comments


We want to especially thank every new community member of Sunnydale After Dark who helps us grow this site from the very beginning! That’s why we’re hosting The Grand Opening event. Everyone who participates in this event will earn a sparkly, shiny, sexy new Founding Member award in their profile. How do you get one of your very own you say?! Two ways:

 Post a fic! Make sure you check the box during Add Story that says “The Grand Opening.” If you post more than one fic this month, please only mark one for the event.

 Make 15 comments of 10 words or more between now and the end of the event on July 24.

Thank you for helping us build this archive. Your stories and your comments are what will make this fresh community the hopping, fabulous place we know it will be!

Much love,


--Megan, GillO, Dusty, sandy_s, and Chelle on 06/23/22 04:15 pm 15 Comments