Spike and Buffy are bandmates, the only way they can express their feelings is in the lyrics they write together…
1. ready for it? by loveisntbrains - Likes: 11 Comments: 5 Word Count: 275 Hit Count: 216 Published: 12/12/23
I thought it would be nice adding some context to the visual story (?) I’m going to post:
Spike and Buffy are both members of the same band; he’s the lead singer, and she plays the bass (and sings).
In the beginning, the band consisted of Buffy (bassist), Angel (drummer), Oz (guitarist), and Devon (singer). However, when the decision was made to turn their passion into a full-time job, Devon dumped them, prompting the need for a new lead singer. Spike entered the scene as an old friend of Oz's, and they joined forces. The band gained popularity quickly.
These days, although their feelings for each other are growing stronger, Buffy and Spike keep their emotions hidden. They share a few secret nights together, but they don’t want to make their non-relationship public, not even among their bandmates, so as not to disrupt their internal balance and to avoid spreading gossip that could potentially break the band if things don't work out.
Among other things, when they were not popular – and Spike wasn’t in the band – Buffy used to be involved with the drummer, Angel, and it didn't end well. She swore off dating bandmates.
The only way they can express their feelings is in the lyrics they write together…