Sunnydale After Dark

His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
And his voice is a familiar sound
Nothing lasts forever
But this is getting good now

Series: Buffy’s Version
A Gift For: Julikobold
Banner Art By: Lady Emma
Categories: All Human, Drabbles, Sunnydale After Dark Exclusive
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Alternate Reality, Angst, POV, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 100 Hit Count: 153 ePub Downloads: 2
Published: 12/05/23 Updated: 12/05/23

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes:

I honestly didn’t think I was going to have anything for this event, but I love my Spuffy friends so much, I couldn’t go without giving gifts, and somehow this little project just occurred to me. YES, IT’S AH, KIDS. Obviously based somewhat on Taylor Swift, and parts of her public relationship with Whatshisface Kelce, but I know nothing about that sphere in general, and I kept it very Spuffy as much as possible.
Also, all my SAD Swifties will be insanely glad to hear you may have converted me a little while I was listening to the songs in question… and a few others.
Cleaned up my Buffy Swift manips I made for simmony’s birthday quite a bit for the banners, so a final version of that will be in with the last drabble. Tried to go off of specific songs I knew people liked (yes, I reread the Discord thread A LOT), but also that felt true to the story and to the giftees!

1. Chapter 1 by Lady Emma - Likes: 3 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 153 Published: 12/05/23

Juli, I’ve had so much fun getting to know you through our fic-writing processes (I was SO happy when I saw you were on the Spiral Fluffy team!) and you nail every challenge you take on. You are way too cool for me, but I aspire to our friendship anyhow. I know you’re not in the Swiftie gang, but I hope you’ll like this AH twist on canon all the same.