Sunnydale After Dark
Hands by Chelle [R]
Summary: Buffy's feeling jealous of the woman Spike brought to Xander and Anya's failed wedding. She's feeling a lot of things. A LOT of things. Especially ready for a change and a confrontation with Spike is just what she's after. 
Banner Art By: Chelle
Categories: Sunnydale After Dark Exclusive, Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst, Fluffy, Romance
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Alcohol/Drug Use
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 2,026 Hit Count: 196 ePub Downloads: 5
Published: 06/14/22 Updated: 06/14/22

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1. Chapter 1 by Chelle - Likes: 12 Comments: 12 Word Count: 2,026 Hit Count: 196 Published: 06/14/22