Judgment Transcript
Angel the Series
Season Two, Episode One "Judgment"
Written by David Greenwalt And Joss Whedon
Directed By: Michael Lange
Original airdate September 26, 2000
Close up of a green-faced, horned demon with red eyes - who starts to sing into a microphone.
"First I was afraid. I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights thinking how you done me wrong, and I grew strong. And I learned how to get along."
Demon speaking: "Oh, you know what I'm talking about. In this city you better learn to get along. Because LA's got it all: The glamour and the grit, the big breaks and the heartaches, the sweet young lovers and the nasty, ugly, hairy fiends that suck out your brain through your face. It's all part of the big wacky variety show we call - Los Angeles. You never know what's coming next. And let’s admit it folks: Isn't that why we love it? (Starts to sing again) I'll survive. I will survive! Hey, hey!"
Cordy: "But why, Johnny? Why?"
Johnny sighs: "Because it's over."
Cordy: "No I love you! I gave you everything. Didn't I?"
Johnny picking up a bag: "Yea, and now it's time to move on."
Cordy: "No. You can't. You're everything to me. I'm nothing without you baby. - Nothing."
Cordy slaps Johnny in the face.
Johnny: "Ow. Hey - ow - she hit me!"
Cordy: "I threw that in myself. She seems so spineless. Begging this creep not to dump her."
Johnny goes and looks through the script book.
Acting coach: "That was just amazing! You were Eleanor - body and soul."
Johnny: "Hey, where does it say that she hits me?"
Coach: "You're on fire, Cordelia. This is exciting work. Lets take it again. And put the focus on how conflicted you... (Cordy's beeper goes off - 911) Cordelia..."
Cordy picks up her bag to leave: "Sorry. Duty calls."
Wesley is playing darts in a bar against two other guys while a pretty blonde looks on admiringly.
Wesley: "Sorry lads. I'll give you a rematch (his beeper goes off - 911) but it'll have to be another time."
Wesley picks up a wad of cash from the table and looks over at the smiling blonde. Throws a dart in the general direction of the board without looking.
Man off-screen: "Ow!"
The smile fading from his face, Wesley leaves.
Cut to:
Angel, Wesley, and Cordy stride into a big gym.
Attendant: "Can I help you?"
Angel and Co. never break stride, and the guy follows them through the gym.
Attendant: "I'm sorry this club is for members and their guests only."
Angel: "Yeah, well, I'm thinking of joining."
Attendant: "Excuse me! But you can't come in here without a membership or a guest pass!"
Cordy: "Are you sure we're in the right place?"
Wesley: "This is a tad public for a Praetorian sacrifice."
Angel: "The quadrants match. It's a Carnyss demon and they love muscles and mirrors."
They come to a stop the attendant still behind them.
Attendant: "Hey, listen! I'm not fooling around. I will call the pol..."
Notices that Angel doesn't reflect in the wall of mirrors before which they are standing.
Angel glances back at him: "Huh. No reflection. I'll fix that."
Angel kicks in the mirror and steps through surprising a red-robed human and a demon with sword raised to sacrifice two bound and gagged humans.
Angel vamping out: "Stop that."
Angel bats the charging human against a wall and begins to fight the demon with the sword. Wesley ducks or deflects a couple of punches from the human, then hits him with a right cross, knees him in the stomach, and drops him on the floor. Nods to Cordelia, who drops a round metal weight on the guy's head, knocking him out. Angel manages to take the sword away from the demon and stabs it through the heart with it.
The attendant slowly walks closer to the broken mirror and looks into the room beyond it. Angel and Co are freeing the sacrifices then they walk back out into the gym.
Attendant staring: "That guy has horns."
Angel (back in human face) as they walk past: "Steroids. Not good for you."
Inside Cordelia's apartment the camera pans across a whiteboard with 'cases,' 'leads,' 'progress' and 'status' written across the top.
The first line under that reads (as best as I can make it out) Zaroh (crossed out), first seen 10/7 killed 2 police officers, beheaded - reborn - torched, closed. Also listed are Vocah, Sloth, Khee Shak, an Ethros, Vartite, Konsoo, and the Carnyss demon from the night before.
Wesley: "I'm beginning to think it was the sloth demon."
Cordy writing on board: "Sloth demons don't sacrifice adolescents, Wesley. It was a Carnyss. You I.D. it."
Wesley: "No, I don't mean the demon we killed last night. I mean the one we..."
Angel playing with some glass figurines Cordy has on a shelf: "That was a nice gym."
Wesley: "...incinerated a month ago. I think that's what Wolfram and Hart raised in that box when Angel was fighting Vocah."
Angel: "The thing about a gym is that you're not alone. You've got people around. That encourages you to work out."
Cordy takes the glass figure away from him and sets it back on the shelf.
Cordy: "You don't have to work out. You're eternal."
Angel: "I may not always be."
Cordy: "It was the Vartite monster. (Angel picks up a glass unicorn as Cordy turns back to arguing with Wesley) It took two days to kill that thing! It's got Wolfram and Hart written all over it."
Angel: "You got your steam. You got your sauna. You got fresh towels. I mean, how bad could it be?"
Cordy: "You shower with a lot of men."
Angel: "I'll always be a loner."
Cordy holds up a finger and scrunches up her face. Angel drops the figurine and hurries to catch her.
Angel and Wesley: "Vision."
Cordelia sneezes as the guys hover around her.
Cordy: "Just a sneeze."
Angel and Wesley turn away: "Oh."
Cordy: "Oh?!"
Angel: "I mean, bless you. (Turns to the broken figurine on the floor) Sorry about this."
Cordy: "Why can't we work out of Wes's?"
Angel: "We're getting a new office. I just haven't..."
Cordy holds up a finger and scrunches up her face again: "Sneeze. (Sneezes) - Followed by vision."
Angel and Wesley jump to her side and catch her.
After the vision of a blurry gray monster face is over she is sitting on the sofa, Angel kneeling in front of her.
Angel: "Are you alright?"
Cordy: "I'll survive."
Wesley at the whiteboard: "What have we got?"
Cordy: "A nasty looking demon. Didn't recognize it."
Wesley writes 'N. D. U. O.' "Nasty Demon, Unknown Origin."
Angel: "There's an awful lot of that in this town. I'm sure he'll feel right at home here."
Cut to Wolfram and Hart.
Lilah to cell phone as she walks the corridor: "You have every right to review the contract. I encourage it. We'll talk on Monday. - Of course if you don't sign we'll sue your ass off and kill your children. - Just kidding, Donald. No one wants a law suit."
Closes the phone and enters a dark room.
Lilah: "Wow. It's nice and gloomy in here. (Lindsey is having trouble opening a CD case with his new prosthetic hand - drops it) You're not handicapped - you're handi-capable."
Lindsey: "She likes Chopin and Brahms. She's not too fond of the Russians."
Lilah turns to where Darla is inspecting an old-fashioned globe.
Lilah: "Hello, Darla. How are you doing today? Feeling any better? It's a beautiful day outside."
Lindsey: "Lilah, shut up. She's not a child. She's 400 years old."
Darla hums along with the music: "Hmm, the prelude."
Lindsey inhales: "In C-minor. The preludes and the nocturnes."
Darla: "So much better than the waltzes. - He had consumption."
Lindsey: "And died way too soon. A lot of that going around."
Darla breathes deeply: "Hm. He's here."
Lilah: "Chopin?"
Lindsey: "Angel. He's here in town. You can feel him."
Darla: "Always could."
Lindsey: "He hasn't been much of a help to us."
Darla: "He killed me. (Laughs) I remember now - with a soul in his heart."
Lindsey: "He's taken from both of us - so when you feel ready - we'll start thinking about giving a little back."
Darla: "Angel - it's been a long time. - I'd love to see that boy."
Angel is sketching the demon from Cordy's vision.
Cordy: "The eyes are a little further apart. (Angel adjusts the drawing) They look right through you. I-I don't think this guy is afraid of much."
Angel: "Wes, I'm thinking northern Pakistan, Hindu Kush..."
Wesley: "Right. Or maybe the Tien Shenin in Kazakhstan. Which means I need Suleman's Compendium."
As he walks towards the books, one of them flies up and hits him. Wesley lets out a surprised yell.
Cordy: "Don't yell like that! You'll scare him."
Wesley: "Scare *him*?"
Cordy: "Dennis is very sensitive. He's just trying to help! He's more a person than a g-h-o-s-t."
Wesley to Angel: "We have to get an office."
Wesley flips some pages, and Cordy lets out a scream, startling another yell out of Wes.
Cordy points at a picture in the book: "There! There!"
Wesley: "Prio Motu demon. It's a killer."
Angel taking the book: "Ancient Ofga-beast, bred to maim and massacre."
Cordy: "Oh, goody. A pit bull."
Angel gets up: "Okay. (Starts to write on the whiteboard) Now we know what we're dealing with."
Wesley: "Prio Motu."
Angel: "Now we need to find it. Right now we got to narrow it down to somewhere."
Wesley: "I may be able to help us with that. I've been broadening our contact base. Reaching out to the underlife. I may have someone who can help."
Angel: "Who?"
Wesley: "A parasite demon named Merl."
Cordy: "Maybe it's time we pay your stoolie a little visit. Make with the chin-music (raises her fist) until he canaries. (Angel and Wes look at her) I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo."
Wes: "There is a place he hangs out. A safe haven for demons. I've been meaning to take you there. I think it may be of use to us - but..."
Angel: "But what?"
Wes: "It's a little outside the box."
Demon (think Cribb from the Ring) singing: "I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. I like it. Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen. "
Camera pans across the floor showing both demon and human customers sitting at tables. A sign reads 'no violence or weapons.'
A guy steps through a metal detector (which beeps) and a bouncer takes a weapon away from him before making step through it again.
Demon: "Tonight we put all other things aside. Give in this time and show me some affection. (The green, horned demon from the teaser circulates among the customers) We're going for those pleasures in the night. (One of the Earshot demons steps through the detector, followed by Wesley, Cordy and Angel.) I want to love you, feel you, wrap myself around you. I want to squeeze you, please you. I just can't get enough and if you move real slow, I'll let it go! I'm so excited..."
Cordy: "Your stool pigeon feels safe in a Karaoke bar?"
Wes: "In this one he does. It's a sanctuary."
The green demon goes up on the stage and finishes the song together with the lizard demon. The crowd applauds.
Host: "Well, move over Pointer Sisters! That was cooking! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. Well, I'm gonna have a word with Liz here. Don't go anywhere! Coming right up, Mordar the Bentback will be callin' the tune with a personal favorite of mine. Make him feel welcome!"
A furry, horned creature takes the mike and starts crooning, while the host leads Liz over to the side.
Host: "Well, I can see someone is feeling pretty zippy. Liz, I know it's hatching time and you're looking forward to that. But there is more to life than eating your young! Now let me tell you what I see in your aura..."
Ugly, gray, bald demon is sitting at a table. Wesley sits down next to him.
Wes: "Hello, Merl."
Cordy: "Cat got your tongue, Merl?"
Merl: "I don't have a tongue."
Cordy: "Oh."
Angel leans down next to him.
Merl: "And, uh, keep the bloodsucker away from me."
Wes: "He can't hurt you in here."
Merl: "I know his rep, okay? He eats his own kind. Beating on demons wherever he finds 'em."
Angel: "Especially when they waste my time."
Wesley slides an envelope with money across the table.
Wes: "We're looking for the Prio Motu."
Merl looks at the money: "Woah, woah, woah! You've obviously never seen one up close. I mean Prios are stone-cold killers. They've got these teeth that'll, uhm... You gotta sweeten this - a whole lot. And keep my name..."
Wesley puts some more money on top of the envelope. Merl takes it.
Merl: "This Prio you're looking for, he don't like it above ground. So he'll be traveling in one of those sub-tunnels of the Rodondo line. (Angel starts to leave) Prios are nasty. Not some big mosquito like you, turns to dust whenever you stake it. Best of luck, though."
Angel turns to leave. Almost runs into the host.
Host: "Love the coat. It's all about the coat. Welcome to Caritas. You know what that means?"
Angel: "It's Latin for mercy."
Host: "Smart and cute. How about gracing us with a number?"
Angel: "I don't sing."
Host: "Neither does Mordar the Bentback! That cat's a foghorn on two legs."
Cordy to Wes: "Who is this guy?"
Wes: "He's, uh, anagogic."
Cordy: "Really? He looks like he's eating enough."
Wes: "Psychic. He's connected to the mystic. When you sing you bare you soul. He sees into it."
Host: "This isn't about your pipes, bro. It's about your spirit. I can't read you unless you sing!"
Angel: "I don't sing."
Cordy: "Come on, Angel. I wanna hear you sing."
Angel: "No."
Wes: "It would be for a good cause. We might learn something."
Angel: "Who's the boss here?"
Host: "I know you're feeling smooth, in the groove. Isn't that the thing that comes before a fall?"
Angel as they all look at him: "There are three things I don't do: Tan, date - and sing in public!"
Angel walks out.
Host: "See you around. - How fabulous would I look in that coat?"
Angel is walking through some tunnels. Hears a noise and moves against the corner to an intersecting tunnel. A pregnant woman hurries down the tunnel, holding one hand over her belly. Angel steps out and she gasps in shock.
Angel: "Hey. It's okay. I won't hurt you. Are you alright?"
She just looks up at him. The Prio comes charging around a corner with a growl, and Angel pushes the woman aside.
Angel: "Look out!"
A fight ensues with the woman watching from the sidelines. They are pretty evenly matched. In the end Angel gets the Prio in a chokehold and breaks its neck.
Angel: "It's all right. He's dead."
Woman walks over to the dead demon: "What did you do? Oh my God! (Strokes the dead demon's face) What have you done?"
The woman closes the dead demon's eyes, sobbing quietly.
Angel: "I didn't... I thought he was gonna hurt you!"
Woman: "He was my protector! (Angel tries to help her as she gets up) Stay away from me!"
Angel: "I'm sorry. I was sent here to... I'm not exactly sure, but..."
Woman: "You were sent here?"
Angel: "By the Powers That - it's a long story. - I help people."
Woman: "You're joking, right? (Walks off, holding her belly, sobbing) God, I hate this town!"
Angel follows her: "I'm really... What was he protecting you from?"
Woman: "Things you couldn't handle!"
Angel: "Like what?"
Woman: "Like the Tribunal. - Look. I don't know who you are - or what your deal is. And I don't care! He was my protector. I had one friend in this world and you killed him! Now, you stay the hell away from me."
Angel watches her leave.
Wesley: "He was good?"
Angel nods slowly: "Yeah."
Cordy: "And you - (makes a cracking sound)."
Angel looks at her: "Yeah."
Cordy: "Ooh. Well. That's bad. (Angel looks away) Which of course you already... Right."
Angel gets up: "He was a demon. I just assumed..."
Wesley: "Well, why wouldn't you? Cordelia said he was a nasty demon."
Cordy: "Well, he *looked* nasty! I didn't say he was a killer, you did!"
Wesley: "That's what Prio Motus are! They hunt. They kill. What, we're supposed to think a creature like that can suddenly change its modus operandi overnight? Turn into some noble protector and...(looks at Angel, who's standing with his back to them) defender of... Oh, God."
Cordy: "I didn't feel any fear when I saw him. Angel was probably supposed to help him not... (sighs) Thanks for the obscure visions! We're doing great with that."
Angel shaking his head: "I killed an innocent being. He was a soldier like me. Whatever his mission is it's mine now."
Angel goes to put on his coat.
Cordy: "Well, that's a start! You said he was protecting a pregnant woman."
Angel: "From something called the Tribunal. I want you two to find out what that is."
Wes: "We will. (As Angel is about to leave) Angel! (Angel stops but doesn't turn around) You didn't know."
Angel: "I'm thinking somebody did."
Merl, the stoolie, smashes against a chain-link fence.
Angel: "You're not on protected ground tonight, Merl."
Merl: "What do you want?"
Angel: "The truth."
Merl: "I told you where to find him!"
Angel: "Not a whole lot of time tonight! Why'd you lie about the Prio?"
Merl: "There is a price on the woman."
Angel: "The woman or the baby?"
Merl: "Yeah, the kid. A daughter. She's supposed to be some powerful, benevolent... I don't know! The dark ones they want her out of the picture. So it's two for one with the mom! The local brokers, they're offering hard cash. But no one can get close enough with that Prio around. You know, now that he is out of the picture you and I could..."
Angel smashed Merl into the fence again.
Angel: "Where is she?"
Merl: "Look, if I knew, would I be hanging around here, getting strangled by you?"
Angel: "Put the word out. No one touches the woman."
Merl: "It's a too little late for that. You know how many beast are out there after her by now?"
Angel: "Where did the Prio live?"
Merl: "I don't know. I don't know exactly. Boyle Heights. Somewhere underground, near the water and power. (Angel throws him into the fence again and leaves) Kind of an iffy part of town, if you know what I'm saying?"
Four young men (two with their hoods up) walk around a corner as a guy gets ready to get into his nice car. He sees them and starts to run off.
Man: "Just take the car!"
The four men run after him.
Leader: "Hey, look out!"
Man looks back. As he turns back around he runs right into a vampire. The vampire is about to bite him, when the lead guy pushes back his hood and pulls out a stake. It's Gunn. He knocks the vampire off the guy and quickly stakes him.
Man points at where the vamp just turned to dust unable to get a whole word out.
Gunn: "You should probably go home now."
Man looks at Gunn, who motions with his eyes back to where his car is parked. After a beat, the guy takes off at full speed.
Gunn: "Ah, you're welcome?"
Angel: "People nowadays. Would it kill him to say thank you?"
Gunn puts the stake away: "Angel."
Angel: "Been a while. You well?"
Gunn: "Picture of health and harmony. - Look at you, dog! You haven't aged a bit!"
Angel: "I got a situation."
Gunn: "So much for the small talk. (to the other three) Sweep Olympic up to Broadway and I'll hook up with y'all back at the crib."
Angel walking beside Gunn: "Where is home nowadays?"
Gunn: "Friendly landlord off eighth. We keep the block safe for democracy, he hooks us up with the rent."
Angel: "You ever hear of a Prio Motu?"
Gunn: "Is that like a '62 Chevy with the big cam? (Angel looks at him) Alright. I could have just said no."
Angel: "It's a warrior demon. He was living down here."
Gunn: "Well, isn't that nice? I thought all we had to dodge was roaches and vampires! What is this demon up to?"
Angel: "Not much. He's dead. But I wanna find out where he was living. It'd be underground somewhere near the D.W.P."
Gunn: "Well, I know all the pockets. And I'm getting the sense that you wanna do this now."
Angel: "It's kind of urgent."
Angel and Gunn are walking through some tunnels.
Angel: "How deep are these?"
Gunn: "Pretty deep, bro. We cleaned a vampire nest out of here last year. We've been patrolling it on occasion ever since. This Prio Motu guy, what was he up to?"
Angel: "He was protecting a young pregnant woman."
Gunn: "He was on our side?"
Angel: "Yeah."
Gunn: "Well, did you find the scumbag that killed him?"
Angel: "I'm the scumbag that killed him."
Gunn: "Oh. (Notices a vent in the wall) Oh, look. Hold on. That wasn't there before."
They walk over to it.
Gunn: "You feel any air coming out of this vent? - I don't feel no air."
Gunn finds a latch at the side and pulls it open. They walk in, closing it behind them.
Gunn: "The guy kept a neat house."
Angel picks up a book: "Kamal."
Gunn: "What's that?"
Angel: "That was his name. Gunn..."
Angel goes to open a carved box. Closes it again and lays his hands against its sides.
Gunn: "We supposed to be looking for something? (Angel pulls open a hidden drawer and takes out a round metal disk.) Like that?"
Angel: "I hate to ask, but..."
Gunn: "Night's still young. What you need?"
Angel hands him his business card: "I work with a couple people at this address. The one on the back. (Gunn takes the card. Angel holds out the disk) I need them to see this right away. Tell them it might have something to do with the Tribunal."
Gunn: "The Tribunal. Got it. - What, you're gonna hang here and soak up the guilt?"
Angel: "Something like that."
Gunn leaves.
Angel walks around picking up a mortar. Flash to the fight. Back to Angel. Sees a Buddha statue. Flash to the fight. He replaces the candle in front of it with a new one and lights it.
He hears a noise. Picks up a sword. The door opens and Angel jumps out pointing his sword straight at - the pregnant woman coming down the steps.
Angel: "You're safe. (Looks at his sword and puts it down) That's good."
Woman, walking down the steps: "You shouldn't be here. You don't have the right."
Angel: "Oh, I know. It's - not really my choice, either. Kamal's mission is mine now."
Woman: "You sound just like him! You guys with your missions, and ancient laws, and medieval codes of honor! Well, I'm not interested. I'm just trying to protect my baby."
Angel: "I understand."
Woman: "How could you? I don't even understand it! - I mean, six months ago I'm working the register at Costco. I did my time as a stock-girl and I was moving up. I was gonna be able to provide for my baby. Now all I wanna do is make sure she gets born."
Angel: "Well, I want that too."
Woman: "Right. Right. Because she is some seer, or leader or Joan of Arc. Well, you know what she is to me? - My daughter. Not someone's holy mission."
Angel: "It's not exactly that - it's - sort of my job."
Woman: "Your job?"
Angel: "Yeah. Look! I got cards - and an office. Well, the office kind of blew up, but we're working out of this other apartment in Silverlake, temporarily. (Woman takes a card and looks at it) - Let me help you. - Let me help your daughter."
Woman: "We need to find the coat of arms. Kamal said I needed to present it to the Tribunal and maybe if I do they call this whole thing... What?"
Angel: "It wouldn't be a round bronze talisman. Oh, say, about this big?"
Woman: "Yes."
Angel: "Heh. I already found it."
Woman smiling: "Yeah? Where is it? (Her smile fades as she looks at Angel) What?"
Angel: "Well, I don't exactly have it right here on my person. I though it was best to (she walks past him and up the steps) I know where it is. I-I can take you there. (Angel follows her) The address on the back of the card..."
Woman: "Do me a favor? - Stop helping!"
She opens the door and there is a demon there waiting to take a swipe at her.
Angel and the demon fight.
Angel to woman: "Get back! - (Between fighting moves) I can kill this thing, right?"
Woman: "Yes!"
Angel: "You're sure? You don't - think - he might - be good?"
Woman: "Kill it!"
Angel does by throwing it into the doorway and slamming the door into it. We hear more growling.
Angel: "I think we should - run."
Wes and Cordy are researching at her apartment. There is a knock on the door.
Cordy gets up: "Who is it?"
Gunn: "Gunn."
Wesley gets up: "What was that?"
Cordy: "Something about a gun. What if it's a demon with a gun?"
Wesley: "Listen up, whoever you are, we are well armed and we know how to do battle, so if you know what's good for you..."
Gunn through the door: "My name is Gunn. Angel sent me."
Cordy opens the door: "Well, this is a little embarrassing. Please, come in. Come in. (Gunn walks in.) Wesley, you've heard Angel talk about Gunn. He's a great guy with a really fly street tag."
Wes: "What's he fly?"
Cordy: "It's how they know you on the street, dorko. Gun. It really lets them know you mean business."
Gunn: "It's my name. Charles Gunn. Two 'n.'"
Cordy: "Oh, lord, will no one shut me up?"
Wesley offers his hand: "Uh, I'm Wesley Wyndam (Gunn turns away and looks at the whiteboard) Price and this is Cordelia Chase."
Cordy: "It's nice to finally meet."
Gunn: "I've seen you before."
Cordy: "Really? The Tan'n'screen commercials!"
Gunn: " I saw you in bed."
Cordy: "What?"
Wesley: "Ah, I-I can see this is none of my business..."
Gunn: "You, too."
Wesley: "Now, just a moment!"
Gunn: "In the hospital - after Angel's building blew? He sent me there to keep an eye on you two."
Cordy: "Right."
Gunn: "I'm just messing with y'all. I was hoping for some demon fighting tonight, but I wound up with a delivery job instead. (Hands the talisman to Wesley) Angel said it might have something to do with the tribunal."
Wesley: "Well, this could be an emblem, or - some sort of protective amulet."
Gunn points at the board: "These all the cases y'all got going? Isn't this the well-oiled machine."
Cordy: "We set them up, we knock them down. Or we did, until Angel knocked down the wrong... I'm sure he is getting on top of it now."
Angel is leading the woman through the sewers. He stops and looks around.
Woman: "What?"
Angel: "This way."
They come up through a grate into the basement of a building.
Woman: "Where are we?"
Angel: "Come on."
They walk up the stairs into what looks like a deserted hotel lobby, the furniture covered with sheets.
Woman, watching Angel look around: "You've been here before. - Uh! It feels creepy."
Angel: "Yeah. What's the Tribunal?"
Woman: "Some kind of otherworldly court. Supposedly they can save me and my daughter. You - you go before them, you got to have that charm... I don't know how it works. Kamal said that he was gonna be my champion. - You know what? Screw this! I'm getting out of town!"
Angel: "No!"
Woman: "Try and stop me."
Angel: "They'll find you wherever you go. You have to stay with me."
Woman: "You? You can't protect me!"
Angel: "Yes, I can. We're gonna go to my friend's house. We're gonna get that charm and I'm gonna make this right, I promise. There is a gate in the back... (Hears some noise) go to the address I gave you. Go!"
The woman runs as Angel is attacked by two demons.
Angel walks into Cordelia's apartment. Cordy and Wesley jump up from the table.
Cordy: "Angel! Are you all right? (Takes in his appearance) What happened?"
Angel: "Is she here?"
Cordy: "The pregnant woman? No. - Gunn, brought us the talisman, but..."
Angel looks at Wesley.
Wesley goes back to his books: "Working on it."
Angel: "I told her to come here. - She doesn't trust me. - Why should she?"
Angel hits the whiteboard.
Cordy: "You can't see everything. You're just a vampire like everyone else... That didn't come out right."
Angel: "I thought I was out of the tunnel."
Angel slumps down on the sofa.
Cordy: "Sure you did... because the tunnel is - you know, it's something we all... Are we talking real tunnel or symbolic? Just give me that much."
Angel: "I-I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - that some day I might become human. - - That light was so bright, I thought I was already out."
Cordy sits down beside him with a sigh: "Yeah. We all got a little cocky, didn't we? - It's gonna be a long while - until you work your way out - but I know you well enough to know you *will*. - And I'll be with you until you do."
Angel: "What about your inevitable stardom?"
Cordy: "I'm not saying I won't have a day job."
Wesley: "I think we got something. It's medieval. A small badge or coat of arms, to be presented when going before the Cahair Binse. Roughly translated that's chair of judgment."
Angel: "The Tribunal."
Wes: "Right. An ancient court to settle grievances."
Cordy: "You mean- with like lawyers and stuff."
Wes: "This is a little more primitive. It's a fight to the death."
Angel: "That's why she needed a champion. Where would this Tribunal take place?"
Wes: "There is no way to tell. They're mystical events, they could rise up in our reality whenever they please."
Angel: "Look, we got to find her right away - whatever it takes. - There's only one way."
Angel singing: "Oh, Mandy. Well you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, oh Mandy. Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking. (The green, horned host is watching him sing) and I need you today, oh Mandy. (Angel looks around at the demons in the audience and his singing gets a lot worse) Well, you came and you gave.."
Cordy sitting beside Wesley at a table: "That man will do anything to save a life."
Finally the host goes up and takes the mike away from Angel as the song ends.
Host: "Hey, how 'bout that. A performer. Why don't we just call him Angel, the vampire with soul. I'm gonna have a chat with Mr. Tall Dark and Rockin' and meanwhile, Durthock, the child-eater, is gonna open up to y'all. He's searching for the gorrishyn mage that stole his power and he's feeling just a little bit country. So, lets give him a hand."
Host leads Angel off the stage.
Host: "Well. You're just the hot ticket. One night only, two seats left, partially obstructed view."
They sit down at a table.
Angel: "What can you tell me?"
Host: "I can tell you're all business."
Angel: "She's in danger."
Host: "And you're feeling pretty guilty about that. Hey, you made an honest mistake. You killed her protector. A lot of guys would have done the same. Of course, now she's gonna have to face the judgment with no champion and that's looking grim for her and the baby."
Angel: "Tell me where they are."
Host: "Well. Who's a little curt? Who's a little curt Jurgens in 'The Enemy Below?' The Tribunal will be wherever she is. She can't escape it."
Angel: "Where is she?"
Host: "My question first. And answer true, because you know I'll know. Why Mandy?"
Angel: "Well, I-I know the words - (leans in closer) - I kind of think it's pretty."
Host smiling: "And it is, you great, big sap! There is not a destroyer of worlds that can argue with Manilow and good for you for fessin' up. She'll be at Forth and Spring. The trial will be there."
Angel: "Trial? How does it work?"
Host: "I can only tell you what I tell you. The rest is up to you."
Angel gets up to leave.
Angel: "Can I save her?"
Host: "Try - and find out."
The pregnant woman is hurrying down an almost empty street at night, one hand on her belly. Suddenly three stone thrones occupied by dark robbed figures rise out of the ground behind her. A horse whinnies and a knight in armor rides up the street towards them.
The knight throws down a bronze disk.
Judge: "Where is your champion?"
Woman: "He's-he's dead."
Judge: "You have no coat of arms and no champion?"
Woman: "I ask for asylum."
Judge: "Asylum is not ours to give. Two are chosen to meet in combat. One can save your life. One can take it. This is the ancient law. Your life is forfeit. You have no champion."
The knight pulls his sword as the woman backs away. A bronze disk lands on top of the other one.
Angel: "Yes, she does."
Judge: "The trial by combat will begin."
Woman walking beside Angel: "I really appreciate you coming through for us like this. But you know how you're not really good at anything? You sure you can do this?"
Angel: "I grew up around horses."
Woman: "How long has it been since you've ridden one?"
Angel: "It's been a while. Don't worry. It's not something you forget. I can do this."
The woman walks over to the side as Angel steps up close to the horse.
Angel: "Nice horse. Try not to make me look stupid out there, okay? - Alright."
Angel mounts the horse and take up the shield and lance. The middle judge drops a red cloth and the knight charges.
Angel: "I guess that means go."
They charge, clash, but though the demon gets knocked back he stays in the saddle. They turn and charge at each other again. Angel gets knocked clear off his horse and lands flat on his back on the street. Angel picks himself up and hurries to his horse to get his sword and mace while the other knight drops his lance pulls his sword and rides at him.
Angel knocks him out of the saddle with one blow and they continue fighting on foot, sword to sword. After some fast and furious exchanges, the demon knight turns Angel's sword so it stabs Angel through the gut.
Angel drops down onto his knees and one hand, the other clutching the sword. The demon knight turns towards the Tribunal.
Judge: "The champion is defeated. She and all her issue are yours."
The demon draws a knife and moves to slit the woman's throat as Angel gets up, pulling the sword from his body.
Angel: "I move to appeal that ruling."
He beheads the demon with one clean sweep. Then drops the sword and stands there, panting.
Angel: "She's safe now, right?"
Judge: "You have won. She is under our protection, as is her daughter until she comes of age."
With that the Tribunal vanishes as if had never been.
The woman: "You okay?"
Angel straightens up, still panting, and limps off the street.
Angel: "Yeah."
Woman walking beside him: "You sure seem to bleed a lot."
Angel: "It's part of the job."
At Cordy's apartment Angel takes down the whiteboard.
Wesley: "Good idea. Start over with a fresh slate."
Angel: "Actually, we're starting over with no slate."
Wesley: "Of course. We shouldn't be keeping score. We're not running a race - we're doing a job - one soul at a time."
Angel: "You guys hold the fort. I've somewhere to be."
Angel picks up the phone at a prison visitor booth.
Angel: "Hey."
Faith: "Hey."
Angel: "How you doing?"
Faith: "Pretty good, I guess. I did sign up for this."
Angel: "Regretting the choice?"
Faith: "Bad day. One of the girls in the yard tried to build a rep by throwing down with me. She had low self-esteem, and a homemade knife, so.."
Angel: "Oh. - Is she - you know - alive?"
Faith: "She lives to tell the tale. Took the knife away - and I can't say much for the wrist it came in."
Angel: "So you didn't kill her."
Faith: "I really wanted to. - Took a big beating from the guards, too."
Angel: "Sorry."
Faith: "Earned worse. Guys like us kind of got it coming."
Angel: "I had to sing Barry Manilow."
Faith: "You're kidding."
Angel: "In front of people."
Faith trying not to laugh: "And here I am talking about my petty little problems."
Angel: "Just wanted to give you a little perspective."
Faith: "Copa cabana?"
Angel: "Mandy. I don't wanna dwell on it."
Faith: "The road to redemption is a rocky path."
Angel: "That it is."
Faith: "You think we might make it?"
Angel: "We might. - - Food getting any better?"
Faith: "You know, it's not that different from what I grew up on. It's a little one-note. Eating the same thing every day."
Angel: "I wonder what that's like."
Faith: "Right.."
During the credits we get some more takes of Angel singing Mandy, ending with an Elvis impersonation of "Thank you, thank you very much" at the very end.
Season Two, Episode One "Judgment"
Written by David Greenwalt And Joss Whedon
Directed By: Michael Lange
Original airdate September 26, 2000
Close up of a green-faced, horned demon with red eyes - who starts to sing into a microphone.
"First I was afraid. I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights thinking how you done me wrong, and I grew strong. And I learned how to get along."
Demon speaking: "Oh, you know what I'm talking about. In this city you better learn to get along. Because LA's got it all: The glamour and the grit, the big breaks and the heartaches, the sweet young lovers and the nasty, ugly, hairy fiends that suck out your brain through your face. It's all part of the big wacky variety show we call - Los Angeles. You never know what's coming next. And let’s admit it folks: Isn't that why we love it? (Starts to sing again) I'll survive. I will survive! Hey, hey!"
Cordy: "But why, Johnny? Why?"
Johnny sighs: "Because it's over."
Cordy: "No I love you! I gave you everything. Didn't I?"
Johnny picking up a bag: "Yea, and now it's time to move on."
Cordy: "No. You can't. You're everything to me. I'm nothing without you baby. - Nothing."
Cordy slaps Johnny in the face.
Johnny: "Ow. Hey - ow - she hit me!"
Cordy: "I threw that in myself. She seems so spineless. Begging this creep not to dump her."
Johnny goes and looks through the script book.
Acting coach: "That was just amazing! You were Eleanor - body and soul."
Johnny: "Hey, where does it say that she hits me?"
Coach: "You're on fire, Cordelia. This is exciting work. Lets take it again. And put the focus on how conflicted you... (Cordy's beeper goes off - 911) Cordelia..."
Cordy picks up her bag to leave: "Sorry. Duty calls."
Wesley is playing darts in a bar against two other guys while a pretty blonde looks on admiringly.
Wesley: "Sorry lads. I'll give you a rematch (his beeper goes off - 911) but it'll have to be another time."
Wesley picks up a wad of cash from the table and looks over at the smiling blonde. Throws a dart in the general direction of the board without looking.
Man off-screen: "Ow!"
The smile fading from his face, Wesley leaves.
Cut to:
Angel, Wesley, and Cordy stride into a big gym.
Attendant: "Can I help you?"
Angel and Co. never break stride, and the guy follows them through the gym.
Attendant: "I'm sorry this club is for members and their guests only."
Angel: "Yeah, well, I'm thinking of joining."
Attendant: "Excuse me! But you can't come in here without a membership or a guest pass!"
Cordy: "Are you sure we're in the right place?"
Wesley: "This is a tad public for a Praetorian sacrifice."
Angel: "The quadrants match. It's a Carnyss demon and they love muscles and mirrors."
They come to a stop the attendant still behind them.
Attendant: "Hey, listen! I'm not fooling around. I will call the pol..."
Notices that Angel doesn't reflect in the wall of mirrors before which they are standing.
Angel glances back at him: "Huh. No reflection. I'll fix that."
Angel kicks in the mirror and steps through surprising a red-robed human and a demon with sword raised to sacrifice two bound and gagged humans.
Angel vamping out: "Stop that."
Angel bats the charging human against a wall and begins to fight the demon with the sword. Wesley ducks or deflects a couple of punches from the human, then hits him with a right cross, knees him in the stomach, and drops him on the floor. Nods to Cordelia, who drops a round metal weight on the guy's head, knocking him out. Angel manages to take the sword away from the demon and stabs it through the heart with it.
The attendant slowly walks closer to the broken mirror and looks into the room beyond it. Angel and Co are freeing the sacrifices then they walk back out into the gym.
Attendant staring: "That guy has horns."
Angel (back in human face) as they walk past: "Steroids. Not good for you."
Inside Cordelia's apartment the camera pans across a whiteboard with 'cases,' 'leads,' 'progress' and 'status' written across the top.
The first line under that reads (as best as I can make it out) Zaroh (crossed out), first seen 10/7 killed 2 police officers, beheaded - reborn - torched, closed. Also listed are Vocah, Sloth, Khee Shak, an Ethros, Vartite, Konsoo, and the Carnyss demon from the night before.
Wesley: "I'm beginning to think it was the sloth demon."
Cordy writing on board: "Sloth demons don't sacrifice adolescents, Wesley. It was a Carnyss. You I.D. it."
Wesley: "No, I don't mean the demon we killed last night. I mean the one we..."
Angel playing with some glass figurines Cordy has on a shelf: "That was a nice gym."
Wesley: "...incinerated a month ago. I think that's what Wolfram and Hart raised in that box when Angel was fighting Vocah."
Angel: "The thing about a gym is that you're not alone. You've got people around. That encourages you to work out."
Cordy takes the glass figure away from him and sets it back on the shelf.
Cordy: "You don't have to work out. You're eternal."
Angel: "I may not always be."
Cordy: "It was the Vartite monster. (Angel picks up a glass unicorn as Cordy turns back to arguing with Wesley) It took two days to kill that thing! It's got Wolfram and Hart written all over it."
Angel: "You got your steam. You got your sauna. You got fresh towels. I mean, how bad could it be?"
Cordy: "You shower with a lot of men."
Angel: "I'll always be a loner."
Cordy holds up a finger and scrunches up her face. Angel drops the figurine and hurries to catch her.
Angel and Wesley: "Vision."
Cordelia sneezes as the guys hover around her.
Cordy: "Just a sneeze."
Angel and Wesley turn away: "Oh."
Cordy: "Oh?!"
Angel: "I mean, bless you. (Turns to the broken figurine on the floor) Sorry about this."
Cordy: "Why can't we work out of Wes's?"
Angel: "We're getting a new office. I just haven't..."
Cordy holds up a finger and scrunches up her face again: "Sneeze. (Sneezes) - Followed by vision."
Angel and Wesley jump to her side and catch her.
After the vision of a blurry gray monster face is over she is sitting on the sofa, Angel kneeling in front of her.
Angel: "Are you alright?"
Cordy: "I'll survive."
Wesley at the whiteboard: "What have we got?"
Cordy: "A nasty looking demon. Didn't recognize it."
Wesley writes 'N. D. U. O.' "Nasty Demon, Unknown Origin."
Angel: "There's an awful lot of that in this town. I'm sure he'll feel right at home here."
Cut to Wolfram and Hart.
Lilah to cell phone as she walks the corridor: "You have every right to review the contract. I encourage it. We'll talk on Monday. - Of course if you don't sign we'll sue your ass off and kill your children. - Just kidding, Donald. No one wants a law suit."
Closes the phone and enters a dark room.
Lilah: "Wow. It's nice and gloomy in here. (Lindsey is having trouble opening a CD case with his new prosthetic hand - drops it) You're not handicapped - you're handi-capable."
Lindsey: "She likes Chopin and Brahms. She's not too fond of the Russians."
Lilah turns to where Darla is inspecting an old-fashioned globe.
Lilah: "Hello, Darla. How are you doing today? Feeling any better? It's a beautiful day outside."
Lindsey: "Lilah, shut up. She's not a child. She's 400 years old."
Darla hums along with the music: "Hmm, the prelude."
Lindsey inhales: "In C-minor. The preludes and the nocturnes."
Darla: "So much better than the waltzes. - He had consumption."
Lindsey: "And died way too soon. A lot of that going around."
Darla breathes deeply: "Hm. He's here."
Lilah: "Chopin?"
Lindsey: "Angel. He's here in town. You can feel him."
Darla: "Always could."
Lindsey: "He hasn't been much of a help to us."
Darla: "He killed me. (Laughs) I remember now - with a soul in his heart."
Lindsey: "He's taken from both of us - so when you feel ready - we'll start thinking about giving a little back."
Darla: "Angel - it's been a long time. - I'd love to see that boy."
Angel is sketching the demon from Cordy's vision.
Cordy: "The eyes are a little further apart. (Angel adjusts the drawing) They look right through you. I-I don't think this guy is afraid of much."
Angel: "Wes, I'm thinking northern Pakistan, Hindu Kush..."
Wesley: "Right. Or maybe the Tien Shenin in Kazakhstan. Which means I need Suleman's Compendium."
As he walks towards the books, one of them flies up and hits him. Wesley lets out a surprised yell.
Cordy: "Don't yell like that! You'll scare him."
Wesley: "Scare *him*?"
Cordy: "Dennis is very sensitive. He's just trying to help! He's more a person than a g-h-o-s-t."
Wesley to Angel: "We have to get an office."
Wesley flips some pages, and Cordy lets out a scream, startling another yell out of Wes.
Cordy points at a picture in the book: "There! There!"
Wesley: "Prio Motu demon. It's a killer."
Angel taking the book: "Ancient Ofga-beast, bred to maim and massacre."
Cordy: "Oh, goody. A pit bull."
Angel gets up: "Okay. (Starts to write on the whiteboard) Now we know what we're dealing with."
Wesley: "Prio Motu."
Angel: "Now we need to find it. Right now we got to narrow it down to somewhere."
Wesley: "I may be able to help us with that. I've been broadening our contact base. Reaching out to the underlife. I may have someone who can help."
Angel: "Who?"
Wesley: "A parasite demon named Merl."
Cordy: "Maybe it's time we pay your stoolie a little visit. Make with the chin-music (raises her fist) until he canaries. (Angel and Wes look at her) I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo."
Wes: "There is a place he hangs out. A safe haven for demons. I've been meaning to take you there. I think it may be of use to us - but..."
Angel: "But what?"
Wes: "It's a little outside the box."
Demon (think Cribb from the Ring) singing: "I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. I like it. Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen. "
Camera pans across the floor showing both demon and human customers sitting at tables. A sign reads 'no violence or weapons.'
A guy steps through a metal detector (which beeps) and a bouncer takes a weapon away from him before making step through it again.
Demon: "Tonight we put all other things aside. Give in this time and show me some affection. (The green, horned demon from the teaser circulates among the customers) We're going for those pleasures in the night. (One of the Earshot demons steps through the detector, followed by Wesley, Cordy and Angel.) I want to love you, feel you, wrap myself around you. I want to squeeze you, please you. I just can't get enough and if you move real slow, I'll let it go! I'm so excited..."
Cordy: "Your stool pigeon feels safe in a Karaoke bar?"
Wes: "In this one he does. It's a sanctuary."
The green demon goes up on the stage and finishes the song together with the lizard demon. The crowd applauds.
Host: "Well, move over Pointer Sisters! That was cooking! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. Well, I'm gonna have a word with Liz here. Don't go anywhere! Coming right up, Mordar the Bentback will be callin' the tune with a personal favorite of mine. Make him feel welcome!"
A furry, horned creature takes the mike and starts crooning, while the host leads Liz over to the side.
Host: "Well, I can see someone is feeling pretty zippy. Liz, I know it's hatching time and you're looking forward to that. But there is more to life than eating your young! Now let me tell you what I see in your aura..."
Ugly, gray, bald demon is sitting at a table. Wesley sits down next to him.
Wes: "Hello, Merl."
Cordy: "Cat got your tongue, Merl?"
Merl: "I don't have a tongue."
Cordy: "Oh."
Angel leans down next to him.
Merl: "And, uh, keep the bloodsucker away from me."
Wes: "He can't hurt you in here."
Merl: "I know his rep, okay? He eats his own kind. Beating on demons wherever he finds 'em."
Angel: "Especially when they waste my time."
Wesley slides an envelope with money across the table.
Wes: "We're looking for the Prio Motu."
Merl looks at the money: "Woah, woah, woah! You've obviously never seen one up close. I mean Prios are stone-cold killers. They've got these teeth that'll, uhm... You gotta sweeten this - a whole lot. And keep my name..."
Wesley puts some more money on top of the envelope. Merl takes it.
Merl: "This Prio you're looking for, he don't like it above ground. So he'll be traveling in one of those sub-tunnels of the Rodondo line. (Angel starts to leave) Prios are nasty. Not some big mosquito like you, turns to dust whenever you stake it. Best of luck, though."
Angel turns to leave. Almost runs into the host.
Host: "Love the coat. It's all about the coat. Welcome to Caritas. You know what that means?"
Angel: "It's Latin for mercy."
Host: "Smart and cute. How about gracing us with a number?"
Angel: "I don't sing."
Host: "Neither does Mordar the Bentback! That cat's a foghorn on two legs."
Cordy to Wes: "Who is this guy?"
Wes: "He's, uh, anagogic."
Cordy: "Really? He looks like he's eating enough."
Wes: "Psychic. He's connected to the mystic. When you sing you bare you soul. He sees into it."
Host: "This isn't about your pipes, bro. It's about your spirit. I can't read you unless you sing!"
Angel: "I don't sing."
Cordy: "Come on, Angel. I wanna hear you sing."
Angel: "No."
Wes: "It would be for a good cause. We might learn something."
Angel: "Who's the boss here?"
Host: "I know you're feeling smooth, in the groove. Isn't that the thing that comes before a fall?"
Angel as they all look at him: "There are three things I don't do: Tan, date - and sing in public!"
Angel walks out.
Host: "See you around. - How fabulous would I look in that coat?"
Angel is walking through some tunnels. Hears a noise and moves against the corner to an intersecting tunnel. A pregnant woman hurries down the tunnel, holding one hand over her belly. Angel steps out and she gasps in shock.
Angel: "Hey. It's okay. I won't hurt you. Are you alright?"
She just looks up at him. The Prio comes charging around a corner with a growl, and Angel pushes the woman aside.
Angel: "Look out!"
A fight ensues with the woman watching from the sidelines. They are pretty evenly matched. In the end Angel gets the Prio in a chokehold and breaks its neck.
Angel: "It's all right. He's dead."
Woman walks over to the dead demon: "What did you do? Oh my God! (Strokes the dead demon's face) What have you done?"
The woman closes the dead demon's eyes, sobbing quietly.
Angel: "I didn't... I thought he was gonna hurt you!"
Woman: "He was my protector! (Angel tries to help her as she gets up) Stay away from me!"
Angel: "I'm sorry. I was sent here to... I'm not exactly sure, but..."
Woman: "You were sent here?"
Angel: "By the Powers That - it's a long story. - I help people."
Woman: "You're joking, right? (Walks off, holding her belly, sobbing) God, I hate this town!"
Angel follows her: "I'm really... What was he protecting you from?"
Woman: "Things you couldn't handle!"
Angel: "Like what?"
Woman: "Like the Tribunal. - Look. I don't know who you are - or what your deal is. And I don't care! He was my protector. I had one friend in this world and you killed him! Now, you stay the hell away from me."
Angel watches her leave.
Wesley: "He was good?"
Angel nods slowly: "Yeah."
Cordy: "And you - (makes a cracking sound)."
Angel looks at her: "Yeah."
Cordy: "Ooh. Well. That's bad. (Angel looks away) Which of course you already... Right."
Angel gets up: "He was a demon. I just assumed..."
Wesley: "Well, why wouldn't you? Cordelia said he was a nasty demon."
Cordy: "Well, he *looked* nasty! I didn't say he was a killer, you did!"
Wesley: "That's what Prio Motus are! They hunt. They kill. What, we're supposed to think a creature like that can suddenly change its modus operandi overnight? Turn into some noble protector and...(looks at Angel, who's standing with his back to them) defender of... Oh, God."
Cordy: "I didn't feel any fear when I saw him. Angel was probably supposed to help him not... (sighs) Thanks for the obscure visions! We're doing great with that."
Angel shaking his head: "I killed an innocent being. He was a soldier like me. Whatever his mission is it's mine now."
Angel goes to put on his coat.
Cordy: "Well, that's a start! You said he was protecting a pregnant woman."
Angel: "From something called the Tribunal. I want you two to find out what that is."
Wes: "We will. (As Angel is about to leave) Angel! (Angel stops but doesn't turn around) You didn't know."
Angel: "I'm thinking somebody did."
Merl, the stoolie, smashes against a chain-link fence.
Angel: "You're not on protected ground tonight, Merl."
Merl: "What do you want?"
Angel: "The truth."
Merl: "I told you where to find him!"
Angel: "Not a whole lot of time tonight! Why'd you lie about the Prio?"
Merl: "There is a price on the woman."
Angel: "The woman or the baby?"
Merl: "Yeah, the kid. A daughter. She's supposed to be some powerful, benevolent... I don't know! The dark ones they want her out of the picture. So it's two for one with the mom! The local brokers, they're offering hard cash. But no one can get close enough with that Prio around. You know, now that he is out of the picture you and I could..."
Angel smashed Merl into the fence again.
Angel: "Where is she?"
Merl: "Look, if I knew, would I be hanging around here, getting strangled by you?"
Angel: "Put the word out. No one touches the woman."
Merl: "It's a too little late for that. You know how many beast are out there after her by now?"
Angel: "Where did the Prio live?"
Merl: "I don't know. I don't know exactly. Boyle Heights. Somewhere underground, near the water and power. (Angel throws him into the fence again and leaves) Kind of an iffy part of town, if you know what I'm saying?"
Four young men (two with their hoods up) walk around a corner as a guy gets ready to get into his nice car. He sees them and starts to run off.
Man: "Just take the car!"
The four men run after him.
Leader: "Hey, look out!"
Man looks back. As he turns back around he runs right into a vampire. The vampire is about to bite him, when the lead guy pushes back his hood and pulls out a stake. It's Gunn. He knocks the vampire off the guy and quickly stakes him.
Man points at where the vamp just turned to dust unable to get a whole word out.
Gunn: "You should probably go home now."
Man looks at Gunn, who motions with his eyes back to where his car is parked. After a beat, the guy takes off at full speed.
Gunn: "Ah, you're welcome?"
Angel: "People nowadays. Would it kill him to say thank you?"
Gunn puts the stake away: "Angel."
Angel: "Been a while. You well?"
Gunn: "Picture of health and harmony. - Look at you, dog! You haven't aged a bit!"
Angel: "I got a situation."
Gunn: "So much for the small talk. (to the other three) Sweep Olympic up to Broadway and I'll hook up with y'all back at the crib."
Angel walking beside Gunn: "Where is home nowadays?"
Gunn: "Friendly landlord off eighth. We keep the block safe for democracy, he hooks us up with the rent."
Angel: "You ever hear of a Prio Motu?"
Gunn: "Is that like a '62 Chevy with the big cam? (Angel looks at him) Alright. I could have just said no."
Angel: "It's a warrior demon. He was living down here."
Gunn: "Well, isn't that nice? I thought all we had to dodge was roaches and vampires! What is this demon up to?"
Angel: "Not much. He's dead. But I wanna find out where he was living. It'd be underground somewhere near the D.W.P."
Gunn: "Well, I know all the pockets. And I'm getting the sense that you wanna do this now."
Angel: "It's kind of urgent."
Angel and Gunn are walking through some tunnels.
Angel: "How deep are these?"
Gunn: "Pretty deep, bro. We cleaned a vampire nest out of here last year. We've been patrolling it on occasion ever since. This Prio Motu guy, what was he up to?"
Angel: "He was protecting a young pregnant woman."
Gunn: "He was on our side?"
Angel: "Yeah."
Gunn: "Well, did you find the scumbag that killed him?"
Angel: "I'm the scumbag that killed him."
Gunn: "Oh. (Notices a vent in the wall) Oh, look. Hold on. That wasn't there before."
They walk over to it.
Gunn: "You feel any air coming out of this vent? - I don't feel no air."
Gunn finds a latch at the side and pulls it open. They walk in, closing it behind them.
Gunn: "The guy kept a neat house."
Angel picks up a book: "Kamal."
Gunn: "What's that?"
Angel: "That was his name. Gunn..."
Angel goes to open a carved box. Closes it again and lays his hands against its sides.
Gunn: "We supposed to be looking for something? (Angel pulls open a hidden drawer and takes out a round metal disk.) Like that?"
Angel: "I hate to ask, but..."
Gunn: "Night's still young. What you need?"
Angel hands him his business card: "I work with a couple people at this address. The one on the back. (Gunn takes the card. Angel holds out the disk) I need them to see this right away. Tell them it might have something to do with the Tribunal."
Gunn: "The Tribunal. Got it. - What, you're gonna hang here and soak up the guilt?"
Angel: "Something like that."
Gunn leaves.
Angel walks around picking up a mortar. Flash to the fight. Back to Angel. Sees a Buddha statue. Flash to the fight. He replaces the candle in front of it with a new one and lights it.
He hears a noise. Picks up a sword. The door opens and Angel jumps out pointing his sword straight at - the pregnant woman coming down the steps.
Angel: "You're safe. (Looks at his sword and puts it down) That's good."
Woman, walking down the steps: "You shouldn't be here. You don't have the right."
Angel: "Oh, I know. It's - not really my choice, either. Kamal's mission is mine now."
Woman: "You sound just like him! You guys with your missions, and ancient laws, and medieval codes of honor! Well, I'm not interested. I'm just trying to protect my baby."
Angel: "I understand."
Woman: "How could you? I don't even understand it! - I mean, six months ago I'm working the register at Costco. I did my time as a stock-girl and I was moving up. I was gonna be able to provide for my baby. Now all I wanna do is make sure she gets born."
Angel: "Well, I want that too."
Woman: "Right. Right. Because she is some seer, or leader or Joan of Arc. Well, you know what she is to me? - My daughter. Not someone's holy mission."
Angel: "It's not exactly that - it's - sort of my job."
Woman: "Your job?"
Angel: "Yeah. Look! I got cards - and an office. Well, the office kind of blew up, but we're working out of this other apartment in Silverlake, temporarily. (Woman takes a card and looks at it) - Let me help you. - Let me help your daughter."
Woman: "We need to find the coat of arms. Kamal said I needed to present it to the Tribunal and maybe if I do they call this whole thing... What?"
Angel: "It wouldn't be a round bronze talisman. Oh, say, about this big?"
Woman: "Yes."
Angel: "Heh. I already found it."
Woman smiling: "Yeah? Where is it? (Her smile fades as she looks at Angel) What?"
Angel: "Well, I don't exactly have it right here on my person. I though it was best to (she walks past him and up the steps) I know where it is. I-I can take you there. (Angel follows her) The address on the back of the card..."
Woman: "Do me a favor? - Stop helping!"
She opens the door and there is a demon there waiting to take a swipe at her.
Angel and the demon fight.
Angel to woman: "Get back! - (Between fighting moves) I can kill this thing, right?"
Woman: "Yes!"
Angel: "You're sure? You don't - think - he might - be good?"
Woman: "Kill it!"
Angel does by throwing it into the doorway and slamming the door into it. We hear more growling.
Angel: "I think we should - run."
Wes and Cordy are researching at her apartment. There is a knock on the door.
Cordy gets up: "Who is it?"
Gunn: "Gunn."
Wesley gets up: "What was that?"
Cordy: "Something about a gun. What if it's a demon with a gun?"
Wesley: "Listen up, whoever you are, we are well armed and we know how to do battle, so if you know what's good for you..."
Gunn through the door: "My name is Gunn. Angel sent me."
Cordy opens the door: "Well, this is a little embarrassing. Please, come in. Come in. (Gunn walks in.) Wesley, you've heard Angel talk about Gunn. He's a great guy with a really fly street tag."
Wes: "What's he fly?"
Cordy: "It's how they know you on the street, dorko. Gun. It really lets them know you mean business."
Gunn: "It's my name. Charles Gunn. Two 'n.'"
Cordy: "Oh, lord, will no one shut me up?"
Wesley offers his hand: "Uh, I'm Wesley Wyndam (Gunn turns away and looks at the whiteboard) Price and this is Cordelia Chase."
Cordy: "It's nice to finally meet."
Gunn: "I've seen you before."
Cordy: "Really? The Tan'n'screen commercials!"
Gunn: " I saw you in bed."
Cordy: "What?"
Wesley: "Ah, I-I can see this is none of my business..."
Gunn: "You, too."
Wesley: "Now, just a moment!"
Gunn: "In the hospital - after Angel's building blew? He sent me there to keep an eye on you two."
Cordy: "Right."
Gunn: "I'm just messing with y'all. I was hoping for some demon fighting tonight, but I wound up with a delivery job instead. (Hands the talisman to Wesley) Angel said it might have something to do with the tribunal."
Wesley: "Well, this could be an emblem, or - some sort of protective amulet."
Gunn points at the board: "These all the cases y'all got going? Isn't this the well-oiled machine."
Cordy: "We set them up, we knock them down. Or we did, until Angel knocked down the wrong... I'm sure he is getting on top of it now."
Angel is leading the woman through the sewers. He stops and looks around.
Woman: "What?"
Angel: "This way."
They come up through a grate into the basement of a building.
Woman: "Where are we?"
Angel: "Come on."
They walk up the stairs into what looks like a deserted hotel lobby, the furniture covered with sheets.
Woman, watching Angel look around: "You've been here before. - Uh! It feels creepy."
Angel: "Yeah. What's the Tribunal?"
Woman: "Some kind of otherworldly court. Supposedly they can save me and my daughter. You - you go before them, you got to have that charm... I don't know how it works. Kamal said that he was gonna be my champion. - You know what? Screw this! I'm getting out of town!"
Angel: "No!"
Woman: "Try and stop me."
Angel: "They'll find you wherever you go. You have to stay with me."
Woman: "You? You can't protect me!"
Angel: "Yes, I can. We're gonna go to my friend's house. We're gonna get that charm and I'm gonna make this right, I promise. There is a gate in the back... (Hears some noise) go to the address I gave you. Go!"
The woman runs as Angel is attacked by two demons.
Angel walks into Cordelia's apartment. Cordy and Wesley jump up from the table.
Cordy: "Angel! Are you all right? (Takes in his appearance) What happened?"
Angel: "Is she here?"
Cordy: "The pregnant woman? No. - Gunn, brought us the talisman, but..."
Angel looks at Wesley.
Wesley goes back to his books: "Working on it."
Angel: "I told her to come here. - She doesn't trust me. - Why should she?"
Angel hits the whiteboard.
Cordy: "You can't see everything. You're just a vampire like everyone else... That didn't come out right."
Angel: "I thought I was out of the tunnel."
Angel slumps down on the sofa.
Cordy: "Sure you did... because the tunnel is - you know, it's something we all... Are we talking real tunnel or symbolic? Just give me that much."
Angel: "I-I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - that some day I might become human. - - That light was so bright, I thought I was already out."
Cordy sits down beside him with a sigh: "Yeah. We all got a little cocky, didn't we? - It's gonna be a long while - until you work your way out - but I know you well enough to know you *will*. - And I'll be with you until you do."
Angel: "What about your inevitable stardom?"
Cordy: "I'm not saying I won't have a day job."
Wesley: "I think we got something. It's medieval. A small badge or coat of arms, to be presented when going before the Cahair Binse. Roughly translated that's chair of judgment."
Angel: "The Tribunal."
Wes: "Right. An ancient court to settle grievances."
Cordy: "You mean- with like lawyers and stuff."
Wes: "This is a little more primitive. It's a fight to the death."
Angel: "That's why she needed a champion. Where would this Tribunal take place?"
Wes: "There is no way to tell. They're mystical events, they could rise up in our reality whenever they please."
Angel: "Look, we got to find her right away - whatever it takes. - There's only one way."
Angel singing: "Oh, Mandy. Well you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, oh Mandy. Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking. (The green, horned host is watching him sing) and I need you today, oh Mandy. (Angel looks around at the demons in the audience and his singing gets a lot worse) Well, you came and you gave.."
Cordy sitting beside Wesley at a table: "That man will do anything to save a life."
Finally the host goes up and takes the mike away from Angel as the song ends.
Host: "Hey, how 'bout that. A performer. Why don't we just call him Angel, the vampire with soul. I'm gonna have a chat with Mr. Tall Dark and Rockin' and meanwhile, Durthock, the child-eater, is gonna open up to y'all. He's searching for the gorrishyn mage that stole his power and he's feeling just a little bit country. So, lets give him a hand."
Host leads Angel off the stage.
Host: "Well. You're just the hot ticket. One night only, two seats left, partially obstructed view."
They sit down at a table.
Angel: "What can you tell me?"
Host: "I can tell you're all business."
Angel: "She's in danger."
Host: "And you're feeling pretty guilty about that. Hey, you made an honest mistake. You killed her protector. A lot of guys would have done the same. Of course, now she's gonna have to face the judgment with no champion and that's looking grim for her and the baby."
Angel: "Tell me where they are."
Host: "Well. Who's a little curt? Who's a little curt Jurgens in 'The Enemy Below?' The Tribunal will be wherever she is. She can't escape it."
Angel: "Where is she?"
Host: "My question first. And answer true, because you know I'll know. Why Mandy?"
Angel: "Well, I-I know the words - (leans in closer) - I kind of think it's pretty."
Host smiling: "And it is, you great, big sap! There is not a destroyer of worlds that can argue with Manilow and good for you for fessin' up. She'll be at Forth and Spring. The trial will be there."
Angel: "Trial? How does it work?"
Host: "I can only tell you what I tell you. The rest is up to you."
Angel gets up to leave.
Angel: "Can I save her?"
Host: "Try - and find out."
The pregnant woman is hurrying down an almost empty street at night, one hand on her belly. Suddenly three stone thrones occupied by dark robbed figures rise out of the ground behind her. A horse whinnies and a knight in armor rides up the street towards them.
The knight throws down a bronze disk.
Judge: "Where is your champion?"
Woman: "He's-he's dead."
Judge: "You have no coat of arms and no champion?"
Woman: "I ask for asylum."
Judge: "Asylum is not ours to give. Two are chosen to meet in combat. One can save your life. One can take it. This is the ancient law. Your life is forfeit. You have no champion."
The knight pulls his sword as the woman backs away. A bronze disk lands on top of the other one.
Angel: "Yes, she does."
Judge: "The trial by combat will begin."
Woman walking beside Angel: "I really appreciate you coming through for us like this. But you know how you're not really good at anything? You sure you can do this?"
Angel: "I grew up around horses."
Woman: "How long has it been since you've ridden one?"
Angel: "It's been a while. Don't worry. It's not something you forget. I can do this."
The woman walks over to the side as Angel steps up close to the horse.
Angel: "Nice horse. Try not to make me look stupid out there, okay? - Alright."
Angel mounts the horse and take up the shield and lance. The middle judge drops a red cloth and the knight charges.
Angel: "I guess that means go."
They charge, clash, but though the demon gets knocked back he stays in the saddle. They turn and charge at each other again. Angel gets knocked clear off his horse and lands flat on his back on the street. Angel picks himself up and hurries to his horse to get his sword and mace while the other knight drops his lance pulls his sword and rides at him.
Angel knocks him out of the saddle with one blow and they continue fighting on foot, sword to sword. After some fast and furious exchanges, the demon knight turns Angel's sword so it stabs Angel through the gut.
Angel drops down onto his knees and one hand, the other clutching the sword. The demon knight turns towards the Tribunal.
Judge: "The champion is defeated. She and all her issue are yours."
The demon draws a knife and moves to slit the woman's throat as Angel gets up, pulling the sword from his body.
Angel: "I move to appeal that ruling."
He beheads the demon with one clean sweep. Then drops the sword and stands there, panting.
Angel: "She's safe now, right?"
Judge: "You have won. She is under our protection, as is her daughter until she comes of age."
With that the Tribunal vanishes as if had never been.
The woman: "You okay?"
Angel straightens up, still panting, and limps off the street.
Angel: "Yeah."
Woman walking beside him: "You sure seem to bleed a lot."
Angel: "It's part of the job."
At Cordy's apartment Angel takes down the whiteboard.
Wesley: "Good idea. Start over with a fresh slate."
Angel: "Actually, we're starting over with no slate."
Wesley: "Of course. We shouldn't be keeping score. We're not running a race - we're doing a job - one soul at a time."
Angel: "You guys hold the fort. I've somewhere to be."
Angel picks up the phone at a prison visitor booth.
Angel: "Hey."
Faith: "Hey."
Angel: "How you doing?"
Faith: "Pretty good, I guess. I did sign up for this."
Angel: "Regretting the choice?"
Faith: "Bad day. One of the girls in the yard tried to build a rep by throwing down with me. She had low self-esteem, and a homemade knife, so.."
Angel: "Oh. - Is she - you know - alive?"
Faith: "She lives to tell the tale. Took the knife away - and I can't say much for the wrist it came in."
Angel: "So you didn't kill her."
Faith: "I really wanted to. - Took a big beating from the guards, too."
Angel: "Sorry."
Faith: "Earned worse. Guys like us kind of got it coming."
Angel: "I had to sing Barry Manilow."
Faith: "You're kidding."
Angel: "In front of people."
Faith trying not to laugh: "And here I am talking about my petty little problems."
Angel: "Just wanted to give you a little perspective."
Faith: "Copa cabana?"
Angel: "Mandy. I don't wanna dwell on it."
Faith: "The road to redemption is a rocky path."
Angel: "That it is."
Faith: "You think we might make it?"
Angel: "We might. - - Food getting any better?"
Faith: "You know, it's not that different from what I grew up on. It's a little one-note. Eating the same thing every day."
Angel: "I wonder what that's like."
Faith: "Right.."
During the credits we get some more takes of Angel singing Mandy, ending with an Elvis impersonation of "Thank you, thank you very much" at the very end.