Penname: yellowb
Real Name: Liz Shura
Real Name: Liz Shura
Member Since: 07/22/22
Last Active: 09/01/24
Membership Status: Member
Skin: Sunset
Last Active: 09/01/24
Membership Status: Member
Skin: Sunset
I watched the first episode of Buffy when it aired, and was hooked ... and then I lost some interest during the Riley, found it revived during Spuffy, and then completely stopped watching when all the potentials showed up.
But in 2015 I saw it sitting there in my netflix and thought I'd just watch one for old times sake and BANG, the heavy troll's hammer of eternal Buffy devotion hit me. I still haven't really watched Angel -- except the season with Spike in it -- and I only know the comics from seeing bits here and there online.
Stories by yellowb
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