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Standard disclosure applies - not my characters and I'm not making a penny from them.
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Ensemble
Genres: Alternate Reality, Lighthearted
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Chooses Not to Use Warnings
Completed: Yes Chapters: 2
Word count: 3,285 Hit Count: 2,398 ePub Downloads: 4
Published: 10/30/22 Updated: 10/30/22
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1. Trick or Stake by Slaymesoftly - Likes: 0 Comments: 0 Word Count: 1,628 Hit Count: 1,224 Published: 10/30/22
These appear to take place in the same universe as the previous Halloween responses to prompts at sb_fag_ends. Perhaps a year or so later? Also owes a little bit, as so many of my stories seem to do, to Lilachigh's stories about Agnes, the tea shop owning vampire.
2. Chapter 2 Drabbles for prompts by Slaymesoftly - Likes: 1 Comments: 0 Word Count: 1,657 Hit Count: 1,174 Published: 10/30/22
Continuing a monster/Halloween theme: these drabbles were daily entries for something or other in which there was a new monster/scary thing every day. I don't think it was sb_fag-ends, but something similar. Looks like they were written after season 8 comics were written (based on Giant Dawn)
All set in the Buffyverse, but more of an ensemble selection of characters that just Buffy and Spike.