After leaving Dawn’s small family gathering for Halloween, Buffy and Spike head to a festival out of town.
Set in a post-S11 alternate reality.
Written for Pen & Paint 2024
After leaving Dawn’s small family gathering for Halloween, Buffy and Spike head to a festival out of town.
Set in a post-S11 alternate reality.
Written for Pen & Paint 2024
Inspired by scratchmeout’s Carnival manips. Thank you for the amazing banner!
This story is set in my “A Life That’s Good” ’verse, starting right after “Autumn in San Francisco.”
Some info that will be useful if you didn’t read the previous story:
1. Joan and Randy’s Night Out by VeroNyxK84 - Likes: 15 Comments: 11 Word Count: 2,711 Hit Count: 142 Published: 06/26/24
Thank you to my beta marinaeulalia for working on my two final Pen & Paint entries with so little time left for the event.