Sunnydale After Dark
Summary: The unicorn with it's eyes practically says, 'Buffy, ride me you beautiful virgin.'
Giles cleaning it's glasses, "Well the lore around unicorns unanimously agrees that they will defend their virgin rather violently."
Categories: Season 2
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Angel
Genres: Comedy, Crack Fic, Lighthearted, Parody
Warnings: (Click Here To Reveal) Buffy/Other (Temp), Sexual Situations, Spike/Other (Temp)
Completed: Yes Chapters: 10
Word count: 1,000 Hit Count: 806 ePub Downloads: 5
Published: 05/28/24 Updated: 07/23/24

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1. Chapter 1 by Desicat - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 134 Published: 05/28/24

2. Chapter 2 by Desicat - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 84 Published: 05/30/24

3. Chapter 3 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 92 Published: 06/03/24

4. Chapter 4 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 68 Published: 07/16/24

5. Chapter 5 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 105 Published: 07/17/24

6. Chapter 6 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 61 Published: 07/18/24

7. Chapter 7 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 70 Published: 07/19/24

8. Chapter 8 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 78 Published: 07/22/24

9. Chapter 9 by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 57 Published: 07/23/24

10. Fin by Desicat - Likes: 2 Comments: 2 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 56 Published: 07/23/24