Summary: This is a request fic. I'll put the items requested at the bottom. It takes place the summer between seasons 5 and 6. What exactly was Spike up to that summer?
Categories: Sunnydale After Dark Exclusive, Missing Scene
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Dark, Tragedy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 1,648 Hit Count: 104 ePub Downloads: 4
Published: 06/14/22 Updated: 06/14/22
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Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Dark, Tragedy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 1,648 Hit Count: 104 ePub Downloads: 4
Published: 06/14/22 Updated: 06/14/22
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1. Chapter 1 by Chelle - Likes: 4 Comments: 6 Word Count: 1,648 Hit Count: 104 Published: 06/14/22